Toshihiro Kamishima
Toshihiro Kamishima
Independent Researcher
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Fairness-Aware Classifier with Prejudice Remover Regularizer
T Kamishima, S Akaho, H Asoh, J Sakuma
The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles of Knowledge …, 2012
Fairness-aware Learning through Regularization Approach
T Kamishima, S Akaho, J Sakuma
The IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 643-650, 2011
Multistakeholder Recommendation: Survey and Research Directions
H Abdollahpouri, G Adomavicius, R Burke, I Guy, D Jannach, ...
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 2020
Nantonac Collaborative Filtering: Recommendation Based on Order Responses
T Kamishima
The 9th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD …, 2003
TrBagg: A Simple Transfer Learning Method and Its Application to Personalization in Collaborative Tagging
T Kamishima, M Hamasaki, S Akaho
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 219-228, 2009
Correcting Popularity Bias by Enhancing Recommendation Neutrality
T Kamishima, S Akaho, H Asoh, J Sakuma
The 8th ACM conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), Poster, 2014
Enhancement of the Neutrality in Recommendation
T Kamishima, S Akaho, H Asoh, J Sakuma
The 2nd Workshop on Human Decision Making in Recommender Systems (Decisions), 2012
A Survey and Empirical Comparison of Object Ranking Methods
T Kamishima, H Kazawa, S Akaho
Preference Learning, 181-202, 2010
Recommendation Independence
T Kamishima, S Akaho, H Asoh, J Sakuma
The 1st Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency, PMLR 81 …, 2018
Efficient Clustering for Orders
T Kamishima, S Akaho
Mining Complex Data, 261-279, 2009
Supervised Ordering — An Empirical Survey
T Kamishima, H Kazawa, S Akaho
The 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 673-676, 2005
Prediction with Model-based Neutrality
K Fukuchi, T Kamishima, J Sakuma
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E98-D, no. 8, 1503-1516, 2015
Prediction with Model-based Neutrality
K Fukuchi, J Sakuma, T Kamishima
The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles of Knowledge …, 2013
Efficiency Improvement of Neutrality-Enhanced Recommendation
T Kamishima, S Akaho, H Asoh, J Sakuma
The 3rd Workshop on Human Decision Making in Recommender Systems (Decisions), 2013
FACTS-IR: Fairness, Accountability, Confidentiality, Transparency, and Safety in Information Retrieval
A Roegiest, A Lipani, A Beutel, A Olteanu, A Lucic, A Stoica, A Das, ...
Personalized Pricing Recommender System — Multi-Stage Epsilon-Greedy Approach
T Kamishima, S Akaho
The 2nd International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in …, 2011
An Application of Inverse Reinforcement Learning to Medical Records of Diabetes Treatment
H Asoh, M Shiro, S Akaho, T Kamishima, K Hasida, E Aramaki, T Kohro
The ECMLPKDD2013 Workshop: Reinforcement Learning with Generalized Feedback …, 2013
Considerations on Recommendation Independence for a Find-Good-Items Task
T Kamishima, S Akaho
Workshop on Responsible Recommendation (FATREC), 2017
Clustering Orders
T Kamishima, J Fujiki
The 6th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS), 194-207, 2003
Learning from Cluster Examples
T Kamishima, F Motoyoshi
Machine Learning 53 (3), 199-233, 2003
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