Mikael J Turunen
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Cited by
Infrared spectroscopy indicates altered bone turnover and remodeling activity in renal osteodystrophy
H Isaksson, MJ Turunen, L Rieppo, S Saarakkala, IS Tamminen, J Rieppo, ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 25 (6), 1360-1366, 2010
Bone mineral crystal size and organization vary across mature rat bone cortex
MJ Turunen, JD Kaspersen, U Olsson, M Guizar-Sicairos, M Bech, ...
Journal of structural biology 195 (3), 337-344, 2016
Composition and microarchitecture of human trabecular bone change with age and differ between anatomical locations
MJ Turunen, V Prantner, JS Jurvelin, H Kröger, H Isaksson
Bone 54 (1), 118-125, 2013
Comparison between infrared and Raman spectroscopic analysis of maturing rabbit cortical bone
MJ Turunen, S Saarakkala, L Rieppo, HJ Helminen, JS Jurvelin, ...
Applied spectroscopy 65 (6), 595-603, 2011
Characterising bone material composition and structure in the ovariectomized (OVX) rat model of osteoporosis
N Mathavan, MJ Turunen, M Tägil, H Isaksson
Calcified Tissue International 97, 134-144, 2015
Effects of tissue fixation and dehydration on tendon collagen nanostructure
MJ Turunen, H Khayyeri, M Guizar-Sicairos, H Isaksson
Journal of structural biology 199 (3), 209-215, 2017
Linking multiscale deformation to microstructure in cortical bone using in situ loading, digital image correlation and synchrotron X-ray scattering
A Gustafsson, N Mathavan, MJ Turunen, J Engqvist, H Khayyeri, SA Hall, ...
Acta biomaterialia 69, 323-331, 2018
Structure–function relationships of healthy and osteoarthritic human tibial cartilage: experimental and numerical investigation
M Ebrahimi, MJ Turunen, MA Finnilä, A Joukainen, H Kröger, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 48, 2887-2900, 2020
In Vivo Contrast-Enhanced Cone Beam CT Provides Quantitative Information on Articular Cartilage and Subchondral Bone
KAH Myller, MJ Turunen, JTJ Honkanen, SP Väänänen, JT Iivarinen, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 45, 811-818, 2017
Achilles tendon compositional and structural properties are altered after unloading by botox
H Khayyeri, P Blomgran, M Hammerman, MJ Turunen, A Löwgren, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 13067, 2017
Sub-trabecular strain evolution in human trabecular bone
MJ Turunen, S Le Cann, E Tudisco, G Lovric, A Patera, SA Hall, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 13788, 2020
Relationships between tissue composition and viscoelastic properties in human trabecular bone
X Ojanen, H Isaksson, J Töyräs, MJ Turunen, MKH Malo, A Halvari, ...
Journal of Biomechanics 48 (2), 269-275, 2015
Experimental mechanical strain measurement of tissues
L Huang, RK Korhonen, MJ Turunen, MAJ Finnilä
PeerJ 7, e6545, 2019
Evaluation of composition and mineral structure of callus tissue in rat femoral fracture
MJ Turunen, S Lages, A Labrador, U Olsson, M Tägil, JS Jurvelin, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 19 (2), 025003-025003, 2014
Neutron tomographic imaging of bone-implant interface: comparison with X-ray tomography
H Isaksson, S Le Cann, C Perdikouri, MJ Turunen, A Kaestner, M Tägil, ...
Bone 103, 295-301, 2017
Incidence and bone biopsy findings of atypical femoral fractures
IS Tamminen, T Yli-Kyyny, H Isaksson, MJ Turunen, X Tong, JS Jurvelin, ...
Journal of bone and mineral metabolism 31, 585-594, 2013
Hyperosmolaric contrast agents in cartilage tomography may expose cartilage to overload-induced cell death
MJ Turunen, J Töyräs, MJ Lammi, JS Jurvelin, RK Korhonen
Journal of biomechanics 45 (3), 497-503, 2012
Cationic contrast agent diffusion differs between cartilage and meniscus
JTJ Honkanen, MJ Turunen, JD Freedman, S Saarakkala, MW Grinstaff, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 44, 2913-2921, 2016
Quantitative evaluation of knee subchondral bone mineral density using cone beam computed tomography
MJ Turunen, J Töyräs, HT Kokkonen, JS Jurvelin
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 34 (10), 2186-2190, 2015
Age‐related changes in organization and content of the collagen matrix in rabbit cortical bone
MJ Turunen, S Saarakkala, HJ Helminen, JS Jurvelin, H Isaksson
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 30 (3), 435-442, 2012
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Articles 1–20