Lukáš Chrpa
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The 2014 international planning competition: Progress and trends
M Vallati, L Chrpa, M Grześ, TL McCluskey, M Roberts, S Sanner
Ai Magazine 36 (3), 90-98, 2015
Efficient macroscopic urban traffic models for reducing congestion: A PDDL+ planning approach
M Vallati, D Magazzeni, B De Schutter, L Chrpa, T McCluskey
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 30 (1), 2016
Generation of macro-operators via investigation of action dependencies in plans
L Chrpa
The Knowledge Engineering Review 25 (3), 281-297, 2010
On the effective configuration of planning domain models
M Vallati, F Hutter, L Chrpa, TL McCluskey
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2015
MUM: A technique for maximising the utility of macro-operators by constrained generation and use
L Chrpa, M Vallati, T McCluskey
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2014
What you always wanted to know about the deterministic part of the international planning competition (IPC) 2014 (but were too afraid to ask)
M Vallati, L Chrpa, TL Mccluskey
The Knowledge Engineering Review 33, e3, 2018
Optimizing plans through analysis of action dependencies and independencies
L Chrpa, T McCluskey, H Osborne
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2012
Knowledge engineering tools in planning: State-of-the-art and future challenges
M Shah, L Chrpa, F Jimoh, D Kitchin, T McCluskey, S Parkinson, M Vallati
Knowledge engineering for planning and scheduling 53, 53, 2013
On exploiting structures of classical planning problems: Generalizing entanglements
L Chrpa, TL McCluskey
ECAI 2012, 240-245, 2012
Automated planning for urban traffic control: Strategic vehicle routing to respect air quality limitations
L Chrpa, D Magazzeni, K McCabe, TL McCluskey, M Vallati
Intelligenza Artificiale 10 (2), 113-128, 2016
On the online generation of effective macro-operators
L Chrpa, M Vallati, TL McCluskey
AAAI Press, 2015
Reformulating Planning Problems by Eliminating Unpromising Actions.
L Chrpa, R Barták
SARA, 2009
On mixed-initiative planning and control for autonomous underwater vehicles
L Chrpa, J Pinto, MA Ribeiro, F Py, J Sousa, K Rajan
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
Exploring knowledge engineering strategies in designing and modelling a road traffic accident management domain
MMS Shah, L Chrpa, DE Kitchin, TL McCluskey, M Vallati
AAAI Press/International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Visual design of planning domains
J Vodrázka, L Chrpa
Proceedings of ICAPS 2010 workshop on Scheduling and Knowledge Engineering …, 2010
Exploiting block deordering for improving planners efficiency
L Chrpa, F Siddiqui
AAAI Press, 2015
Determining redundant actions in sequential plans
L Chrpa, TL McCluskey, H Osborne
2012 IEEE 24th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2012
On different strategies for eliminating redundant actions from plans
T Balyo, L Chrpa, A Kilani
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 5 (1), 10-18, 2014
A principled analysis of the interrelation between vehicular communication and reasoning capabilities of autonomous vehicles
M Vallati, L Chrpa
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2018
The fifth international competition on knowledge engineering for planning and scheduling: Summary and trends
L Chrpa, TL McCluskey, M Vallati, T Vaquero
AI Magazine 38 (1), 104-106, 2017
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