Sebastian Ries
Sebastian Ries
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Towards a trust management system for cloud computing
SM Habib, S Ries, M Muhlhauser
2011IEEE 10th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2011
Trust as a facilitator in cloud computing: a survey
SM Habib, S Hauke, S Ries, M Mühlhäuser
Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications 1, 1-18, 2012
Cloud computing landscape and research challenges regarding trust and reputation
SM Habib, S Ries, M Muhlhauser
2010 7th International conference on ubiquitous intelligence & computing and …, 2010
CertainLogic: A Logic for Modeling Trust and Uncertainty: (Short Paper)
S Ries, SM Habib, M Mühlhäuser, V Varadharajan
Trust and Trustworthy Computing: 4th International Conference, TRUST 2011 …, 2011
Towards a trust management system for cloud computing marketplaces: using CAIQ as a trust information source
SM Habib, S Ries, M Mühlhäuser, P Varikkattu
Security and Communication Networks 7 (11), 2185-2200, 2014
Extending bayesian trust models regarding context-dependence and user friendly representation
S Ries
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 1294-1301, 2009
Certain trust: a trust model for users and agents
S Ries
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1599-1604, 2007
Reputation-based trust systems for wireless sensor networks: A comprehensive review
H Alzaid, M Alfaraj, S Ries, A Jøsang, M Albabtain, A Abuhaimed
Trust Management VII: 7th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference, IFIPTM …, 2013
Modeling trust for users and agents in ubiquitous computing
S Ries, J Kangasharju, M Mühlhäuser
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 15. Fachtagung Kommunikation in …, 2007
A formal approach towards measuring trust in distributed systems
G Schryen, M Volkamer, S Ries, SM Habib
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM symposium on applied computing, 1739-1745, 2011
A classification of trust systems
S Ries, J Kangasharju, M Mühlhäuser
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2006
Towards trustworthy identity and access management for the future internet
SG Weber, L Martucci, S Ries, M Mühlhäuser
4th International Workshop on Trustworthy Internet of People, Things & Services, 2010
Analyzing the robustness of CertainTrust
S Ries, A Heinemann
IFIP International Conference on Trust Management, 51-67, 2008
Sybil-free pseudonyms, privacy and trust: Identity management in the internet of services
LA Martucci, S Ries, M Mühlhäser
Information and Media Technologies 6 (3), 1001-1015, 2011
Limiting sybil attacks on bayesian trust models in open soa environments
S Ries, E Aitenbichler
2009 Symposia and Workshops on Ubiquitous, Autonomic and Trusted Computing …, 2009
Fusion of Opinions under Uncertainty and Conflict--Application to Trust Assessment for Cloud Marketplaces
SM Habib, S Ries, S Hauke, M Mühlhäuser
2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2012
MundoMessage: Enabling trustworthy ubiquitous emergency communication
SG Weber, Y Kalev, S Ries, M Mühlhäuser
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information …, 2011
Evaluating user representations for the trustworthiness of interaction partners
S Ries, D Schreiber
ReColl workshop at IUI 8, 2008
Learning whom to trust in a privacy-friendly way
S Ries, M Fischlin, LA Martucci, M Muuhlhauser
2011IEEE 10th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2011
Inherent tradeoffs in ubiquitous computing services
SG Weber, S Ries, A Heinemann
Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V., 2007
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Articles 1–20