Artem Litvinenko
Artem Litvinenko
Sonstige NamenA. N. Litvinenko
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Gothenburg
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Coherent long-range transfer of angular momentum between magnon Kittel modes by phonons
K An, AN Litvinenko, R Kohno, AA Fuad, VV Naletov, L Vila, U Ebels, ...
Physical Review B 101 (6), 060407, 2020
Ultrafast sweep-tuned spectrum analyzer with temporal resolution based on a spin-torque nano-oscillator
A Litvinenko, V Iurchuk, P Sethi, S Louis, V Tyberkevych, J Li, A Jenkins, ...
Nano letters 20 (8), 6104-6111, 2020
Analog and digital phase modulation and signal transmission with spin-torque nano-oscillators
A Litvinenko, P Sethi, C Murapaka, A Jenkins, V Cros, P Bortolotti, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (2), 024048, 2021
A spinwave Ising machine
A Litvinenko, R Khymyn, VH González, R Ovcharov, AA Awad, ...
Communications Physics 6 (1), 227, 2023
Bright and dark states of two distant macrospins strongly coupled by phonons
K An, R Kohno, AN Litvinenko, RL Seeger, VV Naletov, L Vila, ...
Physical Review X 12 (1), 011060, 2022
Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy of magneto-acoustic resonances in a thin-film garnet resonator
AN Litvinenko, AV Sadovnikov, VV Tikhonov, SA Nikitov
IEEE Magnetics Letters 6, 1-4, 2015
Tunable magnetoacoustic oscillator with low phase noise
A Litvinenko, R Khymyn, V Tyberkevych, V Tikhonov, A Slavin, S Nikitov
Physical Review Applied 15 (3), 034057, 2021
Robust mutual synchronization in long spin Hall nano-oscillator chains
A Kumar, H Fulara, R Khymyn, A Litvinenko, M Zahedinejad, M Rajabali, ...
Nano Letters 23 (14), 6720-6726, 2023
Spin-wave diagnostics of the magnetization distribution over the thickness of a ferrite film
VV Tikhonov, AN Litvinenko
Applied Physics Letters 115 (7), 2019
Ultrafast GHz-Range Swept-Tuned Spectrum Analyzer with 20 ns Temporal Resolution Based on a Spin-Torque Nano-Oscillator with a Uniformly Magnetized “Free” Layer
A Litvinenko, ASE Valli, V Iurchuk, S Louis, V Tyberkevych, B Dieny, ...
Nano Letters 22 (5), 1874–1879, 2022
Exchange spin waves and their application for diagnostics of the layered structure of epitaxial YIG films
V Tikhonov, AN Litvinenko
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 515, 167241, 2020
Injection locking of linearlike and soliton spin-wave modes in nanoconstriction spin hall nano-oscillators
M Rajabali, R Ovcharov, R Khymyn, H Fulara, A Kumar, A Litvinenko, ...
Physical Review Applied 19 (3), 034070, 2023
A chaotic magnetoacoustic oscillator with delay and bistability
AN Litvinenko, SV Grishin, YP Sharaevskii, VV Tikhonov, SA Nikitov
Technical Physics Letters 44, 263-266, 2018
Size-dependent enhancement of passive microwave rectification in magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
A Sidi El Valli, V Iurchuk, G Lezier, I Bendjeddou, R Lebrun, N Lamard, ...
Applied Physics Letters 120 (1), 2022
Stabilization of phase noise in spin torque nano oscillators by a phase locked loop
S Wittrock, M Kreißig, B Lacoste, A Litvinenko, P Talatchian, F Protze, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.13073, 2021
Brillouin spectroscopy of nonlinear magnetoacoustic resonances in a layered YIG/GGG structure
VV Tikhonov, AN Litvinenko, AV Sadovnikov, SA Nikitov
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 80, 1242-1247, 2016
Phase noise analysis of mutually synchronized spin Hall nano-oscillators
A Litvinenko, A Kumar, M Rajabali, AA Awad, R Khymyn, J Åkerman
Applied Physics Letters 122 (22), 2023
Resonance mechanism of exchange spin-wave excitation in a two-layer ferrite-ferrite structure
VV Tikhonov, AN Litvinenko
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 78, 123-127, 2014
Spintronic devices as next-generation computation accelerators
VH González, A Litvinenko, A Kumar, R Khymyn, J Åkerman
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 31, 101173, 2024
Electrical modeling of spin-torque diodes used as radio frequency detectors: a step-by-step methodology for parameter extraction
I Bendjeddou, MJ Garcia, AS El Valli, A Litvinenko, V Cros, U Ebels, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 71 (7), 2771-2781, 2023
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