Dieter Pfoser
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Novel approaches to the indexing of moving object trajectories.
D Pfoser, CS Jensen, Y Theodoridis
VLDB, 395-406, 2000
On map-matching vehicle tracking data
S Brakatsoulas, D Pfoser, R Salas, C Wenk
Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Very large data bases …, 2005
Capturing the uncertainty of moving-object representations
D Pfoser, CS Jensen
International Symposium on Spatial Databases, 111-131, 1999
A comparison and evaluation of map construction algorithms using vehicle tracking data
M Ahmed, S Karagiorgou, D Pfoser, C Wenk
GeoInformatica Journal 19 (3), 601-632, 2015
Crowdsourcing urban form and function
A Crooks, D Pfoser, A Jenkins, A Croitoru, A Stefanidis, D Smith, ...
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 29 (5), 720-741, 2015
On vehicle tracking data-based road network generation
S Karagiorgou, D Pfoser
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on advances in geographic …, 2012
Addressing the need for map-matching speed: Localizing global curve-matching algorithms
C Wenk, R Salas, D Pfoser
18th international conference on scientific and statistical database …, 2006
Indexing of network constrained moving objects
D Pfoser, CS Jensen
Proceedings of the 11th ACM international symposium on Advances in …, 2003
Generating semantics-based trajectories of moving objects
D Pfoser, Y Theodoridis
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 27 (3), 243-263, 2003
Modeling, storing and mining moving object databases
S Brakatsoulas, D Pfoser, N Tryfona
Proceedings. International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium …, 2004
Revisiting R-tree construction principles
S Brakatsoulas, D Pfoser, Y Theodoridis
east European conference on advances in databases and information systems …, 2002
Taking the pulse of COVID-19: A spatiotemporal perspective
C Yang, D Sha, Q Liu, Y Li, H Lan, WW Guan, T Hu, Z Li, Z Zhang, ...
International journal of digital earth 13 (10), 1186-1211, 2020
Structuring space with image schemata: Wayfinding in airports as a case study
M Raubal, MJ Egenhofer, D Pfoser, N Tryfona
International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, 85-102, 1997
Zika in Twitter: temporal variations of locations, actors, and concepts
A Stefanidis, E Vraga, G Lamprianidis, J Radzikowski, PL Delamater, ...
JMIR public health and surveillance 3 (2), e6925, 2017
Cancer and Social Media: A Comparison of Traffic about Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Other Reproductive Cancers on Twitter and Instagram
EK Vraga, A Stefanidis, G Lamprianidis, A Croitoru, AT Crooks, ...
Journal of health communication, 1-9, 2018
Indexing the trajectories of moving objects
D Pfoser
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 25 (2), 3-9, 2002
Location-based services: A database perspective.
CS Jensen, A Friis-Christensen, TB Pedersen, D Pfoser, S Saltenis, ...
ScanGIS, 59-68, 2001
Requirements, definitions, and notations for spatiotemporal application environments
D Pfoser, N Tryfona
Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on advances in geographic …, 1998
DBGlobe: a service-oriented P2P system for global computing
E Pitoura, S Abiteboul, D Pfoser, G Samaras, M Vazirgiannis
ACM Sigmod Record 32 (3), 77-82, 2003
Querying the trajectories of on-line mobile objects
D Pfoser, CS Jensen
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Data engineering for …, 2001
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