Karolina Koc-Michalska
Karolina Koc-Michalska
Audencia Business School, France; University of Silesia, Poland
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Helping populism win? Social media use, filter bubbles, and support for populist presidential candidates in the 2016 US election campaign
J Groshek, K Koc-Michalska
Information, Communication & Society 20 (9), 1389-1407, 2017
Informing, engaging, mobilizing or interacting: Searching for a European model of web campaigning
DG Lilleker, K Koc-Michalska, EJ Schweitzer, M Jacunski, N Jackson, ...
European journal of communication 26 (3), 195-213, 2011
What drives political participation? Motivations and mobilization in a digital age
DG Lilleker, K Koc-Michalska
Digital Politics: Mobilization, Engagement and Participation, 21-43, 2018
Does a crisis change news habits? A comparative study of the effects of COVID-19 on news media use in 17 European countries
P Van Aelst, F Toth, L Castro, V Štětka, C Vreese, T Aalberg, AS Cardenal, ...
Digital Journalism 9 (9), 1208-1238, 2021
Right-wing populism, social media and echo chambers in Western democracies
S Boulianne, K Koc-Michalska, B Bimber
New media & society 22 (4), 683-699, 2020
Does the platform matter? Social media and COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs in 17 countries
Y Theocharis, A Cardenal, S Jin, T Aalberg, DN Hopmann, J Strömbäck, ...
new media & society 25 (12), 3412-3437, 2023
Online campaigning in France, 2007–2012: Political actors and citizens in the aftermath of the web. 2.0 evolution
K Koc-Michalska, R Gibson, T Vedel
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 11 (2), 220-244, 2014
Digital politics: Mobilization, engagement, and participation
K Koc-Michalska, D Lilleker
Political Communication 34 (1), 1-5, 2017
Populism in the era of Twitter: How social media contextualized new insights into an old phenomenon
H Gil de Zúñiga, K Koc Michalska, A Römmele
New Media & Society 22 (4), 585-594, 2020
Mobilizing media: Comparing TV and social media effects on protest mobilization
S Boulianne, K Koc-Michalska, B Bimber
Information, Communication & Society 23 (5), 642-664, 2020
Poland’s 2011 online election campaign: New tools, new professionalism, new ways to win votes
K Koc-Michalska, DG Lilleker, P Surowiec, P Baranowski
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 11 (2), 186-205, 2014
Civic political engagement and social change in the new digital age
K Koc-Michalska, DG Lilleker, T Vedel
New Media & Society 18 (9), 1807-1816, 2016
From Online Political Posting to Mansplaining: The Gender Gap and Social Media in Political Discussion
K Koc-Michalska, A Schiffrin, A Lopez, S Boulianne, B Bimber
Social Science Computer Review 39 (2), 197-210, 2021
The normalization of online campaigning in the web. 2.0 era
K Koc-Michalska, DG Lilleker, A Smith, D Weissmann
European journal of communication 31 (3), 331-350, 2016
Platform affordances and political participation: how social media reshape political engagement
Y Theocharis, S Boulianne, K Koc-Michalska, B Bimber
West European Politics 46 (4), 788-811, 2023
Navigating high-choice European political information environments: A comparative analysis of news user profiles and political knowledge
L Castro, J Strömbäck, F Esser, P Van Aelst, C de Vreese, T Aalberg, ...
The International Journal of Press/Politics 27 (4), 827-859, 2022
The professionals speak: Practitioners’ perspectives on professional election campaigning
J Tenscher, K Koc-Michalska, DG Lilleker, J Mykkänen, AS Walter, ...
European Journal of Communication 31 (2), 95-119, 2016
Facebook affordances and citizen engagement during elections: European political parties and their benefit from online strategies?
K Koc-Michalska, DG Lilleker, T Michalski, R Gibson, JM Zajac
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 18 (2), 180-193, 2021
Social media campaigning in Europe: Mapping the terrain
DG Lilleker, K Koc-Michalska, R Negrine, R Gibson, T Vedel, S Strudel
Social Media Campaigning in Europe, 1-6, 2020
Are campaigns getting uglier, and who is to blame? Negativity, dramatization and populism on Facebook in the 2014 and 2019 EP election campaigns
U Klinger, K Koc-Michalska, U Russmann
Political Communication 40 (3), 263-282, 2023
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