Efstratios Manousakis
Efstratios Manousakis
Professor of Physics, Florida State Univesity
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The spin-½ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice and its application to the cuprous oxides
E Manousakis
Reviews of Modern Physics 63 (1), 1, 1991
Dynamical properties of a hole in a Heisenberg antiferromagnet
Z Liu, E Manousakis
Physical Review B 45 (5), 2425, 1992
Phase Separation at all Interaction Strengths in the t-J Model
CS Hellberg, E Manousakis
Physical review letters 78 (24), 4609, 1997
Nonperturbative length scale in high-temperature QCD
E Manousakis, J Polonyi
Physical Review Letters 58 (9), 847, 1987
Classical phase fluctuations in high temperature superconductors
EW Carlson, SA Kivelson, VJ Emery, E Manousakis
Physical review letters 83 (3), 612, 1999
Nematic phase of the two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field
E Fradkin, SA Kivelson, E Manousakis, K Nho
Physical review letters 84 (9), 1982, 2000
Microscopic calculations for normal and polarized liquid
E Manousakis, S Fantoni, VR Pandharipande, QN Usmani
Physical Review B 28 (7), 3770, 1983
Stripes and the t-J Model
CS Hellberg, E Manousakis
Physical review letters 83 (1), 132, 1999
Metal to Insulator Quantum-Phase Transition in Few-Layered ReS2
NR Pradhan, A McCreary, D Rhodes, Z Lu, S Feng, E Manousakis, ...
Nano letters 15 (12), 8377-8384, 2015
Role of spin-orbit coupling and evolution of the electronic structure of under an external magnetic field
D Rhodes, S Das, QR Zhang, B Zeng, NR Pradhan, N Kikugawa, ...
Physical review B 92 (12), 125152, 2015
Long-range correlations in the two-dimensional spin-(1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model: A quantum Monte Carlo study
E Manousakis, R Salvador
Physical review letters 60 (9), 840, 1988
Spectral function of a hole in the t-J model
Z Liu, E Manousakis
Physical Review B 44 (5), 2414, 1991
Bulk Fermi surface of the Weyl type-II semimetallic candidate
D Rhodes, R Schönemann, N Aryal, Q Zhou, QR Zhang, E Kampert, ...
Physical Review B 96 (16), 165134, 2017
Theoretical studies of the dynamic structure function of liquid
E Manousakis, VR Pandharipande
Physical Review B 33 (1), 150, 1986
Electronic structure of within the tight-binding approximation
E Manousakis
Physical Review B 44 (19), 10991, 1991
Condensate fraction and momentum distribution in the ground state of liquid
E Manousakis, VR Pandharipande, QN Usmani
Physical Review B 31 (11), 7022, 1985
Theoretical studies of elementary excitations in liquid
E Manousakis, VR Pandharipande
Physical Review B 30 (9), 5062, 1984
Effective potential in scalar field theory
K Huang, E Manousakis, J Polonyi
Physical Review D 35 (10), 3187, 1987
Hole dynamics in the two-dimensional strong-coupling Hubbard Hamiltonian
E Kaxiras, E Manousakis
Physical Review B 38 (1), 866, 1988
String excitations of a hole in a quantum antiferromagnet and photoelectron spectroscopy
E Manousakis
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (3), 035106, 2007
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