Hans Georg Gemünden
Hans Georg Gemünden
Lehrstuhl für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement der TU Berlin
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Teamwork quality and the success of innovative projects: A theoretical concept and empirical evidence
M Hoegl, HG Gemuenden
Organization science 12 (4), 435-449, 2001
Value creation in buyer–seller relationships: Theoretical considerations and empirical results from a supplier's perspective
A Walter, T Ritter, HG Gemünden
Industrial marketing management 30 (4), 365-377, 2001
Network competence: Its impact on innovation success and its antecedents
T Ritter, HG Gemünden
Journal of business research 56 (9), 745-755, 2003
Interteam coordination, project commitment, and teamwork in multiteam R&D projects: A longitudinal study
M Hoegl, K Weinkauf, HG Gemuenden
Organization science 15 (1), 38-55, 2004
The impact of a company's business strategy on its technological competence, network competence and innovation success
T Ritter, HG Gemünden
Journal of business research 57 (5), 548-556, 2004
Users' contributions to radical innovation: evidence from four cases in the field of medical equipment technology
C Lettl, C Herstatt, HG Gemuenden
R&d Management 36 (3), 251-272, 2006
Opening up for competitive advantage–How Deutsche Telekom creates an open innovation ecosystem
R Rohrbeck, K Hölzle, HG Gemünden
R&d Management 39 (4), 420-430, 2009
Network configuration and innovation success: An empirical analysis in German high-tech industries
HG Gemünden, T Ritter, P Heydebreck
International journal of research in marketing 13 (5), 449-462, 1996
Interorganizational relationships and networks: An overview
T Ritter, HG Gemünden
Journal of business research 56 (9), 691-697, 2003
Corporate foresight: Its three roles in enhancing the innovation capacity of a firm
R Rohrbeck, HG Gemünden
Technological forecasting and social change 78 (2), 231-243, 2011
NPD planning activities and innovation performance: the mediating role of process management and the moderating effect of product innovativeness
S Salomo, J Weise, HG Gemünden
Journal of product innovation management 24 (4), 285-302, 2007
The impact of information technology deployment on trust, commitment and value creation in business relationships
R Ryssel, T Ritter, H Georg Gemünden
Journal of business & industrial marketing 19 (3), 197-207, 2004
Perceived risk and information search. A systematic meta-analysis of the empirical evidence
HG Gemünden
International Journal of Research in Marketing 2 (2), 79-100, 1985
Technological interweavement: a means of achieving innovation success
HG Gemünden, P Heydebreck, R Herden
R&D Management 22 (4), 359-376, 1992
The three roles of a project portfolio management office: Their impact on portfolio management execution and success
BN Unger, HG Gemünden, M Aubry
International journal of project management 30 (5), 608-620, 2012
Role models for radical innovations in times of open innovation
HG Gemünden, S Salomo, K Hölzle
Creativity and innovation management 16 (4), 408-421, 2007
Formalization of project portfolio management: The moderating role of project portfolio complexity
J Teller, BN Unger, A Kock, HG Gemünden
International journal of project management 30 (5), 596-607, 2012
The project-oriented organization and its contribution to innovation
HG Gemünden, P Lehner, A Kock
International journal of project management 36 (1), 147-160, 2018
Promotoren: Champions der Innovation
J Hauschildt, HG Gemünden
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Financial management competence of founding teams and growth of new technology–based firms
J Brinckmann, S Salomo, HG Gemuenden
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 35 (2), 217-243, 2011
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