Solveig Jakobsdottir
Solveig Jakobsdottir
Associate Professor Distance Education, University of Iceland School of Education
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From digital divide to digital equity: Learners’ ICT competence in four primary schools in Cape Town, South Africa
G Gudmundsdottir
International Journal of Education and Development using ICT 6 (2), 84-105, 2010
Torfi Hjartarson og Bergþóra Þórhallsdóttir.(2014). Upplýsingatækni í skólastarfi. Í Gerður G. Óskarsdóttir (ritstjóri)
S Jakobsdóttir
Starfshættir í grunnskólum við upphaf 21. aldar, 277-319, 0
Computer-assisted foreign language learning: Effects of text, context, and gender on listening comprehension and motivation
S Jakobsdóttir, S Hooper
Educational technology research and development 43 (4), 43-59, 1995
Computer graphics: Preferences by gender in grades 2, 4, and 6
S Jakobsdóttir, CL Krey, GC Sales
The Journal of Educational Research 88 (2), 91-100, 1994
Helga Ósk Snædal Þórormsdóttir og Ragnheiður Líney Pálsdóttir.(2012)
S Jakobsdóttir, SH Kjartansdóttir
Spjaldtölvur í Norðlingaskóla–þróunarverkefni 2012–2013: Áfangaskýrsla, 2012
Tölvumenning íslenskra skóla: kynja-og aldursmunur nemenda í tölvutengdri færni, viðhorfum og notkun.
S Jakobsdóttir
From digital divide to digital opportunities
GB Gudmundsdottir
A critical perspective on the digital divide in South African schools, 2011
Some effects of information and communications technology on teaching and learning in Iceland
S Jakobsdóttir
Journal of Information Techology for Teacher Education 10 (1-2), 87-100, 2001
Using the new information and communication technologies for the continuing professional development of teachers through open and distance learning
S Jakobsdóttir, L McKeown, D Hoven
Teacher education through open and distance learning, 105-120, 2010
The role of campus-sessions and face-to-face meetings in distance education
S Jakobsdóttir
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning 11 (2), 2008
Starfshættir í grunnskólum - meginniðurstöður og umræða
GG Óskarsdóttir, A Björnsdóttir, B Hansen, I Sigurgeirsson, K Jónsdóttir, ...
Starfshættir í grunnskólum við upphaf 21. aldar, 323-347, 2014
Gender, ICT-related student skills, and the role of a school library in an Icelandic school
S Jakobsdóttir, BM Jónsdóttir, T Hjartarson
School libraries worldwide 10 (1), 52-72, 2004
Þorvaldur Pálmason og Þuríður Jóhannsdóttir.(2007)
G Geirsdóttir, H Pálmadóttir, R Ólafsson, S Jakobsdóttir
Mótun stefnu í fjarkennslumálum hins sameinaða háskóla-Lokaskýrsla verkefnishóps, 0
Framkvæmd rannsóknar
GG Óskarsdóttir, A Björnsdóttir, AK Sigurðardóttir, B Hansen, ...
Starfshættir í grunnskólum við upphaf 21, 17-27, 2014
Nýting upplýsingatækni í kennslu. Símenntun og starfsþróun kennara í og með upplýsingatækni
S Jakobsdóttir
Tölvumál 7, 2011
Different Computer Graphics for Girls and Boys? Preliminary Design Guidelines.
S Jakobsdottir, CL Krey
og Hoven, D.(2010). Using the new information and communication technologies for the continuing professional development of teachers through open and distance learning. Í PA …
S Jakobsdóttir, L McKeown
Teacher education through open and distance learning, 105-120, 0
Makerspaces in the early years: Current perceptions and practices of early years practitioners, library and museum educators and makerspace staff
J Lahmar, M Taylor, J Marsh, S Jakobsdóttir, A Velicu, HC Arnseth, ...
Sheffield: University of Sheffield, MakEY Project, 2017
Upplýsingatækni í skólastarfi
S Jakobsdóttir, T Hjartarson, B Þórhallsdóttir
Starfshættir í grunnskólum við upphaf 21. aldar, 277-319, 2014
Elementary school computer culture: Gender and age differences in student reactions to computer use
S Jakobsdóttir
University of Minnesota, 1996
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