Ralf Zimmermann
Ralf Zimmermann
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark
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Improving variable-fidelity surrogate modeling via gradient-enhanced kriging and a generalized hybrid bridge function
ZH Han, S Görtz, R Zimmermann
Aerospace Science and technology 25 (1), 177-189, 2013
Alternative cokriging method for variable-fidelity surrogate modeling
ZH Han, Zimmermann, S Görtz
AIAA journal 50 (5), 1205-1210, 2012
A new cokriging method for variable-fidelity surrogate modeling of aerodynamic data
ZH Han, R Zimmermann, S Goretz
48th AIAA Aerospace sciences meeting including the new horizons forum and …, 2010
A Grassmann manifold handbook: Basic geometry and computational aspects
T Bendokat, R Zimmermann, PA Absil
Advances in Computational Mathematics 50 (1), 6, 2024
Interpolation-based reduced-order modelling for steady transonic flows via manifold learning
T Franz, R Zimmermann, S Görtz, N Karcher
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 28 (3-4), 106-121, 2014
Geometric subspace updates with applications to online adaptive nonlinear model reduction
R Zimmermann, B Peherstorfer, K Willcox
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 39 (1), 234-261, 2018
Non-linear reduced order models for steady aerodynamics
R Zimmermann, S Görtz
Procedia Computer Science 1 (1), 165-174, 2010
An accelerated greedy missing point estimation procedure
R Zimmermann, K Willcox
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (5), A2827-A2850, 2016
A matrix-algebraic algorithm for the Riemannian logarithm on the Stiefel manifold under the canonical metric
R Zimmermann
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 38 (2), 322-342, 2017
Gradient-enhanced surrogate modeling based on proper orthogonal decomposition
R Zimmermann
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 237 (1), 403-418, 2013
Manifold interpolation and model reduction
R Zimmermann
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.06502, 2019
On improving efficiency and accuracy of variable-fidelity surrogate modeling in aero-data for loads context
Z Han, R Zimmermann, S Goertz
European Air and Space Conference, 2009
Improved extrapolation of steady turbulent aerodynamics using a non-linear POD-based reduced order model
R Zimmermann, S Görtz
The Aeronautical Journal 116 (1184), 1079-1100, 2012
A locally parametrized reduced-order model for the linear frequency domain approach to time-accurate computational fluid dynamics
R Zimmermann
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (3), B508-B537, 2014
Towards real-time vehicle aerodynamic design via multi-fidelity data-driven reduced order modeling
A Bertram, C Othmer, R Zimmermann
2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2018
Reduced-order modeling of steady flows subject to aerodynamic constraints
R Zimmermann, A Vendl, S Görtz
AIAA journal 52 (2), 255-266, 2014
Simplified cross-correlation estimation for multi-fidelity surrogate cokriging models
R Zimmermann, Z Han
Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences 7, 181-202, 2010
Computing the Riemannian logarithm on the Stiefel manifold: Metrics, methods, and performance
R Zimmermann, K Huper
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 43 (2), 953-980, 2022
Theoretical investigations of the new Cokriging method for variable-fidelity surrogate modeling: Well-posedness and maximum likelihood training
A Bertram, R Zimmermann
Advances in Computational Mathematics 44, 1693-1716, 2018
On the condition number anomaly of Gaussian correlation matrices
R Zimmermann
Linear Algebra and its Applications 466, 512-526, 2015
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Articles 1–20