Adam D. Smith
Adam D. Smith
U.S. Motus Director, American Bird Conservancy
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Intrafeather and intraindividual variation in the stable-hydrogen isotope (δD) content of raptor feathers
AD Smith, K Donohue, AM Dufty Jr
The Condor 110 (3), 500-506, 2008
Birds Select Fruits with More Anthocyanins and Phenolic Compounds During Autumn Migration
JA Bolser, RR Alan, AD Smith, L Li, NP Seeram, SR McWilliams
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125 (1), 97-108, 2013
Gradient boosting for distributional regression: faster tuning and improved variable selection via noncyclical updates
J Thomas, A Mayr, B Bischl, M Schmid, A Smith, B Hofner
Statistics and Computing 28, 673-687, 2018
What to do when stopping over: behavioral decisions of a migrating songbird during stopover are dictated by initial change in their body condition and mediated by key …
AD Smith, SR McWilliams
Behavioral Ecology 25 (6), 1423-1435, 2014
Variation in the stable-hydrogen isotope composition of Northern Goshawk feathers: relevance to the study of migratory origins
AD Smith, AM Dufty Jr
The Condor 107 (3), 547-558, 2005
The unmarked R package: Twelve years of advances in occurrence and abundance modelling in ecology
KF Kellner, AD Smith, JA Royle, M Kéry, JL Belant, RB Chandler
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (6), 1408-1415, 2023
Fruit removal rate depends on neighborhood fruit density, frugivore abundance, and spatial context
AD Smith, SR McWilliams
Oecologia 174, 931-942, 2014
Deuterium measurements of raptor feathers: does a lack of reproducibility compromise geographic assignment?
AD Smith, CA Lott, JP Smith, KC Donohue, S Wittenberg, KLG Smith, ...
The Auk 126 (1), 41-46, 2009
Bat activity during autumn relates to atmospheric conditions: implications for coastal wind energy development
AD Smith, SR McWilliams
Journal of Mammalogy 97 (6), 1565-1577, 2016
Two seconds is all it takes: European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) increase levels of circulating glucocorticoids after witnessing a brief raptor attack
BC Jones, AD Smith, SE Bebus, SJ Schoech
Hormones and behavior 78, 72-78, 2016
Using nocturnal flight calls to assess the fall migration of warblers and sparrows along a coastal ecological barrier
AD Smith, PWC Paton, SR McWilliams
PloS one 9 (3), e92218, 2014
Where's the Grass? Disappearing Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Declining Water Quality in Lake Mattamuskeet
MC Moorman, T Augspurger, JD Stanton, A Smith
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8 (2), 401-417, 2017
Modeling spatiotemporal abundance of mobile wildlife in highly variable environments using boosted GAMLSS hurdle models
A Smith, B Hofner, JS Lamb, J Osenkowski, T Allison, G Sadoti, ...
Ecology and evolution 9 (5), 2346-2364, 2019
A mass balance approach to identify and compare differential routing of 13C-labeled carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins in vivo
MD McCue, A Smith, R McKinney, B Rewald, B Pinshow, SR McWilliams
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 84 (5), 506-513, 2011
Linking monitoring and data analysis to predictions and decisions for the range-wide eastern black rail status assessment
CP McGowan, NF Angeli, WA Beisler, C Snyder, NM Rankin, ...
Endangered Species Research 43, 209-222, 2020
Tracking Movements of Migratory Shorebirds in the US Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Region
PH Loring, AK Lenske, JD McLaren, M Aikens, AM Anderson, Y Aubrey, ...
Sterling (VA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy …, 2021
unmarked: Models for data from unmarked animals
R Chandler, K Kellner, I Fiske, D Miller, A Royle, J Hostetler, ...
Version, 2020
Seasonal and Interspecific Variation in Frugivory by a Mixed Resident-Migrant Overwintering Songbird Community
WA Carter, SF Pearson, AD Smith, SR McWilliams, DJ Levey
Diversity 13 (7), 314, 2021
Statistical power of mobile acoustic monitoring to detect population change in southeastern US bat species, a case study
KO Evans, AD Smith, D Richardson
Ecological Indicators 125, 107524, 2021
Spring migration patterns of red knots in the Southeast United States disentangled using automated telemetry
AD Smith, FJ Sanders, KL Lefevre, JM Thibault, KS Kalasz, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 11138, 2023
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