Amir Saadat
Amir Saadat
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Immersed-finite-element method for deformable particle suspensions in viscous and viscoelastic media
A Saadat, CJ Guido, G Iaccarino, ESG Shaqfeh
Physical Review E 98 (6), 063316, 2018
Stretching dynamics of single comb polymers in extensional flow
DJ Mai, A Saadat, B Khomami, CM Schroeder
Macromolecules 51 (4), 1507-1517, 2018
Matrix-free Brownian dynamics simulation technique for semidilute polymeric solutions
A Saadat, B Khomami
Physical Review E 92 (3), 033307, 2015
Computationally efficient algorithms for incorporation of hydrodynamic and excluded volume interactions in Brownian dynamics simulations: A comparative study of the Krylov …
A Saadat, B Khomami
The Journal of chemical physics 140 (18), 2014
Linear and nonlinear melt rheology and extrudate swell of acrylonitrile‐butadiene‐styrene and organoclay‐filled acrylonitrile‐butadiene‐styrene nanocomposite
A Saadat, H Nazockdast, F Sepehr, M Mehranpour
Polymer Engineering & Science 50 (12), 2340-2349, 2010
A system for the high-throughput measurement of the shear modulus distribution of human red blood cells
A Saadat, DA Huyke, DI Oyarzun, PV Escobar, IH Øvreeide, ESG Shaqfeh, ...
Lab on a Chip 20 (16), 2927-2936, 2020
Molecular based prediction of the extensional rheology of high molecular weight polystyrene dilute solutions: A hi-fidelity Brownian dynamics approach
A Saadat, B Khomami
Journal of Rheology 59 (6), 1507-1525, 2015
A new bead-spring model for simulation of semi-flexible macromolecules
A Saadat, B Khomami
The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (20), 2016
Effect of cytoplasmic viscosity on red blood cell migration in small arteriole-level confinements
A Saadat, CJ Guido, ESG Shaqfeh
bioRxiv, 572933, 2019
Viscoelastic modeling of extrudate swell of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene/Clay nanocomposite
A Saadat, H Nazockdast, F Sepehr, M Mehranpour
Appl. Rheol. 23 (1), 12131, 2013
Effect of length on the dynamics of wall tethered polymers in shear flow
TY Lin, A Saadat, A Kushwaha, ESG Shaqfeh
Macromolecules 51 (1), 254-265, 2018
BDpack, an open source parallel Brownian dynamics simulation package
A Saadat, B Khomami
Journal of Rheology 61 (1), 147-149, 2017
Brownian dynamics of wall tethered polymers in shear flow
TY Lin, A Saadat, A Kushwaha, ESG Shaqfeh
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, E38. 005, 2017
Simulation of Red Blood Cell Migration in Small Arterioles: Effect of Cytoplasmic Viscosity
A Saadat, CJ Guido, ESG Shaqfeh
bioRxiv, 572933, 2019
A system for the high-throughput measurement of the shear modulus distribution of human red blood cells (vol 20, pg 2927, 2020)
A Saadat, DA Huyke, DI Oyarzun, PV Escobar, IH Ovreeide, ESG Shaqfeh, ...
LAB ON A CHIP 20 (24), 4638-4639, 2020
On the relation between red blood cell flexibility and the oxygenation-deoxygenation process
M Niazi Ardekani, A Saadat, J Wan, J Santiago, E Shaqfeh
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, K04. 017, 2020
Multiscale Dynamics in Biological Soft Matter and Polymeric Fluids
A Saadat
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2019
A Microfluidic Platform for the Study of Cell Deformability
A Saadat, DA Huyke, IH Ovreeide, DI Oyarzun, PV Escobar, JG Santiago, ...
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, A32. 007, 2019
Understanding Red Blood Cell Migration in Small Arterioles
A Saadat, QM Qi, C Guido, E Shaqfeh
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2018
Viscoelastic Slip Velocity for Microscale Electrokinetic Flows
SW Joo, A Saadat, B Khomami
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 230, 2303-2303, 2016
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Articles 1–20