Sharjeel Ahmed Khan
Sharjeel Ahmed Khan
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Ultrafast fiber laser-induced fabrication of superhydrophobic and self-cleaning metal surfaces
SA Khan, GS Boltaev, M Iqbal, V Kim, RA Ganeev, AS Alnaser
Applied Surface Science 542, 148560, 2021
Fabrication of superhydrophobic filter paper and foam for oil–water separation based on silica nanoparticles from sodium silicate
SA Khan, U Zulfiqar, SZ Hussain, U Zaheer, I Hussain, SW Husain, ...
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 81, 912-920, 2017
Recent Advances in Femtosecond Laser-Induced Surface Structuring for Oil–Water Separation
AS Alnaser, SA Khan, RA Ganeev, E Stratakis
Applied Sciences 9 (8), 1554, 2019
Synergic influence of MWCNTs and SiC nanoparticles on the microstructure and properties of Al2O3 ceramic hybrid nanocomposites
I Ahmad, S Ahmed, T Subhani, K Saeed, M Islam, N Wang, Y Zhu
Current Applied Physics 16 (12), 1649-1658, 2016
Expedited transition in the wettability response of metal meshes structured by femtosecond laser pulses for oil-water separation
SA Khan, V Ialyshev, VV Kim, M Iqbal, H Al Harmi, GS Boltaev, ...
Frontiers in Chemistry 8, 768, 2020
Near-field induced reaction yields from nanoparticle clusters
P Rosenberger, P Rupp, R Ali, MS Alghabra, S Sun, S Mitra, SA Khan, ...
Acs Photonics 7 (7), 1885-1892, 2020
The mechanism of laser-assisted generation of aluminum nanoparticles, their wettability and nonlinearity properties
M Iqbal, SA Khan, DS Ivanov, RA Ganeev, VV Kim, GS Boltaev, I Sapaev, ...
Applied Surface Science 527, 146702, 2020
All-optical nanoscopic spatial control of molecular reaction yields on nanoparticles
W Zhang, R Dagar, P Rosenberger, A Sousa-Castillo, M Neuhaus, W Li, ...
Optica 9 (5), 551-560, 2022
Reversible wettability transition of laser-textured metals after vacuum storing and low-temperature annealing
VS Yalishev, M Iqbal, VV Kim, SA Khan, RA Ganeev, AS Alnaser
Applied Physics A 127 (5), 393, 2021
Superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic properties of laser-ablated plane and curved surfaces
GS Boltaev, SA Khan, RA Ganeev, VV Kim, M Iqbal, AS Alnaser
Applied Physics A 126, 1-9, 2020
Wettability modification of glass surfaces by deposition of carbon-based nanostructured films
SA Khan, RA Ganeev, GS Boltaev, AS Alnaser
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 29 (8), 576-587, 2021
A Comparative study in the Tribological Behaviour of Different DLC Coatings Sliding Against Titanium Alloys.
SA Khan, F Ferreira, J Oliveira, N Emami, A Ramalho
Wear, 205468, 2024
Surface Roughness Influence on Tribological Behavior of HiPIMS DLC Coatings
SA Khan, J Oliveira, F Ferreira, N Emami, A Ramalho
Tribology Transactions 66 (3), 565-575, 2023
Influence of gas environment on the dynamics of wetting transition of laser-textured stainless steel meshes
VV Kim, VS Yalishev, SA Khan, M Iqbal, GS Boltaev, RA Ganeev, ...
AIP Advances 11 (7), 2021
Third and fifth harmonics generation in air and nanoparticle-containing plasmas using 150-kHz fiber laser
GS Boltaev, NA Abbasi, VV Kim, M Iqbal, SA Khan, AI Zvyagin, ...
Applied Physics B 126, 1-12, 2020
Application of combustion flames for generation of third harmonic and super-hydrophobic coating of glasses by deposited carbon nanoparticle films
GS Boltaev, RA Ganeev, S Reyimboyev, BR Sobirov, TY Shermatov, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (7), 075301, 2019
Custom-tailored cross-cylinder tribotest to emulate wear mechanism in drilling of CFRP-Ti stacks
SA Khan, N Emami, A Ramalho
Tribology International 186, 108589, 2023
Enhancement of extreme ultraviolet harmonics generated in gases using two orthogonally polarized laser fields
G Boltaev, R Ganeev, N Abbasi, V Kim, M Iqbal, S Khan, A Alnaser
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020
Efficient oil-water separation using femtosecond laser processed meshes followed with vacuum treatment
S Khan, G Boltaev, R Ganeev, A Alnaser
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2020 …, 2020
H3+ Formation on the Surface of Silica Nanoparticles Exposed to Strong Laser Field
MS Alghabra, R Ali, P Rosenberger, S Mitra, R Dagar, V Kim, H Alharmi, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2020 …, 2020
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