Christian Hainzl
Christian Hainzl
LMU Muenchen
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The BCS functional for general pair interactions
C Hainzl, E Hamza, R Seiringer, JP Solovej
Communications in mathematical physics 281, 349-367, 2008
Existence of a stable polarized vacuum in the Bogoliubov-Dirac-Fock approximation
C Hainzl, M Lewin, É Séré
Communications in mathematical physics 257, 515-562, 2005
Mass renormalization and energy level shift in non-relativistic QED
C Hainzl, R Seiringer
arXiv preprint math-ph/0205044, 2002
Unconditional Uniqueness for the Cubic Gross‐Pitaevskii Hierarchy via Quantum de Finetti
T Chen, C Hainzl, N Pavlović, R Seiringer
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 68 (10), 1845-1884, 2015
The critical temperature for the BCS equation at weak coupling
RL Frank, C Hainzl, S Naboko, R Seiringer
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 17, 559-567, 2007
Critical temperature and energy gap for the BCS equation
C Hainzl, R Seiringer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (18), 184517, 2008
The mean‐field approximation in quantum electrodynamics: The no‐photon case
C Hainzl, M Lewin, JP Solovej
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2007
Microscopic derivation of Ginzburg-Landau theory
R Frank, C Hainzl, R Seiringer, J Solovej
Journal of the american mathematical society 25 (3), 667-713, 2012
Self-consistent solution for the polarized vacuum in a no-photon QED model
C Hainzl, M Lewin, E Séré
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (20), 4483, 2005
The Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer functional of superconductivity and its mathematical properties
C Hainzl, R Seiringer
Journal of mathematical physics 57 (2), 2016
Existence of atoms and molecules in the mean-field approximation of no-photon quantum electrodynamics
C Hainzl, M Lewin, É Séré
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 192, 453-499, 2009
Enhanced binding in non-relativistic QED
C Hainzl, V Vougalter, SA Vugalter
Communications in mathematical physics 233, 13-26, 2003
General Decomposition of Radial Functions on Rn and Applications to N-Body Quantum Systems
C Hainzl, R Seiringer
Letters in Mathematical Physics 61, 75-84, 2002
The BCS critical temperature for potentials with negative scattering length
C Hainzl, R Seiringer
Letters in mathematical physics 84 (2), 99-107, 2008
On blowup for time-dependent generalized Hartree–Fock equations
C Hainzl, E Lenzmann, M Lewin, B Schlein
Annales Henri Poincaré 11, 1023-1052, 2010
The thermodynamic limit of quantum Coulomb systems Part II. Applications
C Hainzl, M Lewin, JP Solovej
Advances in Mathematics 221 (2), 488-546, 2009
Minimization method for relativistic electrons in a mean-field approximation of quantum electrodynamics
C Hainzl, M Lewin, E Sere, JP Solovej
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (5), 052104, 2007
Enhanced binding revisited for a spinless particle in nonrelativistic QED
I Catto, P Exner, C Hainzl
Journal of mathematical physics 45 (11), 4174-4185, 2004
The thermodynamic limit of quantum Coulomb systems. Part I. General theory
C Hainzl, M Lewin, JP Solovej
arXiv preprint arXiv:0806.1708, 2008
Another proof of BEC in the GP-limit
C Hainzl
Journal of Mathematical Physics 62 (5), 2021
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