Dr. Heiko Giebler
Dr. Heiko Giebler
Freie Universität Berlin & WZB Berlin Social Science Center
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Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland. Eine empirische Einordnung der Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2013 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der AfD
M Lewandowsky, H Giebler, A Wagner
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 57 (2), 247-275, 2016
Demokratiebarometer: ein neues Instrument zur Messung von Demokratiequalität
M Bühlmann, W Merkel, L Müller, H Giebler, B Weβels
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 6, 115-159, 2012
Knowing more from less: How the information environment increases knowledge of party positions
S Banducci, H Giebler, S Kritzinger
British Journal of Political Science 47 (3), 571-588, 2017
Patterns of participation: Political and social participation in 22 nations
K Newton, H Giebler
DEU 2008, 33, 2008
Campaigning on an upper level? Individual campaigning in the 2009 European Parliament elections in its determinants
H Giebler, AM Wüst
Electoral Studies 30 (1), 53-66, 2011
It’s no longer the economy, stupid! Issue yield at the 2017 German federal election
ST Franzmann, H Giebler, T Poguntke
West European Politics 43 (3), 610-638, 2020
Shifting welfare policy positions: the impact of radical right populist party success beyond migration politics
W Krause, H Giebler
Representation 56 (3), 331-348, 2020
Discontent with what? Linking self-centered and society-centered discontent to populist party support
H Giebler, M Hirsch, B Schürmann, S Veit
Political Studies 69 (4), 900-920, 2021
Contrasting First-and Second-Order Electoral Behaviour: Determinants of Individual Party Choice in European and German Federal Elections
H Giebler, A Wagner
German Politics 24, 46-66, 2014
Measuring social justice and sustainable governance in the OECD
W Merkel, H Giebler
Sustainable Governance Indicators 2009. Policy Performance and Executive …, 2009
Who Votes Right-Wing Populist
H Giebler, S Regel
Geographical and Individual Factors in Seven German State Elections. Bonn …, 2018
Democracy Barometer. Methodology. Version 5
W Merkel, D Bochsler, K Bousbah, M Bühlmann, H Giebler, M Hänni, ...
Zentrum für Demokratie. www. democracybarometer. org, 2018
Post-election cross section (gles 2017)
S Roßteutscher, R Schmitt-Beck, H Schoen, B Weßels, C Wolf, A Wagner, ...
ZA6801 Data file Version 4 (0), 2019
Alles neu macht der Mai? Die Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) und die Europawahl 2014
A Wagner, M Lewandowsky, H Giebler
Die Europawahl 2014, 137-148, 2015
Nachwahl-Querschnitt (GLES 2017)
S Roßteutscher, R Schmitt-Beck, H Schoen, B Weßels, C Wolf, A Wagner, ...
GESIS Datenarchiv, Cologne: ZA6801 Datenfile Version 1 (0), 2018
Vor-und Nachwahl-Querschnitt (Kumulation)(GLES 2013)
H Rattinger, S Roßteutscher, R Schmitt-Beck, B Weßels, C Wolf, ...
GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA5702 Datenfile Version 1 (0), 125-135, 2014
Choosing a style of representation: The role of institutional and organizational incentives
B Wessels, H Giebler
presentation at the 6th ECPR General Conference, University of Iceland, 25-27, 2011
Support for insider parties: The role of political trust in a longitudinal-comparative perspective
CS Petrarca, H Giebler, B Weßels
Party Politics 28 (2), 329-341, 2022
The changing meaning of left and right: supply-and demand-side effects on the perception of party positions
H Giebler, TM Meyer, M Wagner
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 31 (2), 243-262, 2021
Democracy Barometer. Codebook. Version 5
W Merkel, D Bochsler, K Bousbah, M Bühlmann, H Giebler, M Hänni, ...
Aarau: Zentrum für Demokratie, 2016
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