Annette Baudisch
Annette Baudisch
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Diversity of ageing across the tree of life
OR Jones, A Scheuerlein, R Salguero-Gómez, CG Camarda, R Schaible, ...
Nature 505 (7482), 169-173, 2014
The case for negative senescence
JW Vaupel, A Baudisch, M Dölling, DA Roach, J Gampe
Theoretical population biology 65 (4), 339-351, 2004
The compadre Plant Matrix Database: an open online repository for plant demography
R Salguero‐Gómez, OR Jones, CR Archer, YM Buckley, J Che‐Castaldo, ...
Journal of Ecology 103 (1), 202-218, 2015
Human mortality improvement in evolutionary context
O Burger, A Baudisch, JW Vaupel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (44), 18210-18214, 2012
Hamilton's indicators of the force of selection
A Baudisch
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (23), 8263-8268, 2005
The emergence of longevous populations
F Colchero, R Rau, OR Jones, JA Barthold, DA Conde, A Lenart, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (48), E7681-E7690, 2016
Data gaps and opportunities for comparative and conservation biology
DA Conde, J Staerk, F Colchero, R da Silva, J Schöley, HM Baden, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (19), 9658-9664, 2019
The pace and shape of ageing
A Baudisch
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2 (4), 375-382, 2011
Getting to the root of aging
A Baudisch, JW Vaupel
Science 338 (6107), 618-619, 2012
Inevitable aging?: contributions to evolutionary-demographic theory
A Baudisch
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
The pace and shape of senescence in angiosperms
A Baudisch, R Salguero‐Gómez, OR Jones, T Wrycza, C Mbeau‐Ache, ...
Journal of Ecology 101 (3), 596-606, 2013
Is life‐history buffering or lability adaptive in stochastic environments?
DN Koons, S Pavard, A Baudisch, C Jessica E. Metcalf
Oikos 118 (7), 972-980, 2009
Quantifying the shape of aging
TF Wrycza, TI Missov, A Baudisch
PloS one 10 (3), e0119163, 2015
The diversity of population responses to environmental change
F Colchero, OR Jones, DA Conde, D Hodgson, F Zajitschek, BR Schmidt, ...
Ecology letters 22 (2), 342-353, 2019
The rarity of survival to old age does not drive the evolution of senescence
MJ Wensink, H Caswell, A Baudisch
Evolutionary Biology 44 (1), 5-10, 2017
Slow and negligible senescence among testudines challenges evolutionary theories of senescence
R da Silva, DA Conde, A Baudisch, F Colchero
Science 376 (6600), 1466-1470, 2022
The causal pie model: an epidemiological method applied to evolutionary biology and ecology
M Wensink, RGJ Westendorp, A Baudisch
Ecology and evolution 4 (10), 1924-1930, 2014
Senescence vs. sustenance: Evolutionary-demographic models of aging
A Baudisch, JW Vaupel
Demographic Research 23, 655-668, 2010
The pace of aging: Intrinsic time scales in demography
TF Wrycza, A Baudisch
Demographic Research 30, 1571-1590, 2014
A pace and shape perspective on fertility
A Baudisch, I Stott
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (11), 1941-1951, 2019
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