Denis Helic
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E-Learning practices and Web 2.0
C Safran, D Helic, C Gütl
Conference ICL2007, September 26-28, 2007, 8 pages, 2007
Detecting memory and structure in human navigation patterns using Markov chain models of varying order
P Singer, D Helic, B Taraghi, M Strohmaier
PloS one 9 (7), e102070, 2014
Hyptrails: A bayesian approach for comparing hypotheses about human trails on the web
P Singer, D Helic, A Hotho, M Strohmaier
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 1003-1013, 2015
Enabling project-based learning in WBT systems
D Helic, H Krottmaier, H Maurer, N Scerbakov
International Journal on E-learning 4 (4), 445-461, 2005
Pragmatic evaluation of folksonomies
D Helic, M Strohmaier, C Trattner, M Muhr, K Lerman
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on World wide web, 417-426, 2011
How the structure of Wikipedia articles influences user navigation
D Lamprecht, K Lerman, D Helic, M Strohmaier
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 23 (1), 29-50, 2017
Evaluation of folksonomy induction algorithms
M Strohmaier, D Helic, D Benz, C Körner, R Kern
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 3 (4), 1-22, 2012
Knowledge transfer processes in a modern WBT system
D Helic, H Maurer, N Scerbakov
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 27 (3), 163-190, 2004
Unsupervised learning for mental stress detection
D Huysmans, E Smets, W De Raedt, C Van Hoof, K Bogaerts, I Van Diest, ...
Proceedings of the 11th international joint conference on biomedical …, 2018
Towards a standardized e-assessment system: Motivations, challenges and first findings
M Al-Smadi, C Guetl, D Helic
Proceedings of the IMCL2009 international conference, 44-49, 2009
Web based training: What do we expect from the system
D Helic, H Maurer, N Scherbakov
Proceedings of ICCE, 1689-1694, 2000
Models of human navigation in information networks based on decentralized search
D Helic, M Strohmaier, M Granitzer, R Scherer
Proceedings of the 24th ACM conference on hypertext and social media, 89-98, 2013
Characterizing the Global Crowd Workforce: A Cross-Country Comparison of Crowdworker Demographics
L Posch, A Bleier, F Flöck, CM Lechner, K Kinder-Kurlanda, D Helic, ...
Human Computation 9 (1), 22-57, 2022
Mining subgroups with exceptional transition behavior
F Lemmerich, M Becker, P Singer, D Helic, A Hotho, M Strohmaier
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2016
Are tag clouds useful for navigation? a network-theoretic analysis
D Helic, C Trattner, M Strohmaier, K Andrews
International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems 1 (1 …, 2011
Technology-supported management of collaborative learning processes
D Helic
International Journal of Learning and Change 1 (3), 285-298, 2006
User Behavioral Patterns and Early Dropouts Detection: Improved Users Profiling through Analysis of Successive Offering of MOOC.
M Vitiello, S Walk, D Helic, V Chang, C Guetl
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 24 (8), 1131-1150, 2018
Discussion forums as learning resources in web-based education
D Helic, H Maurer, N Scerbakov
Advanced technology for learning 1 (1), 8-15, 2004
What's in a review: Discrepancies between expert and amateur reviews of video games on metacritic
T Santos, F Lemmerich, M Strohmaier, D Helic
Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-22, 2019
On the navigability of social tagging systems
D Helic, C Trattner, M Strohmaier, K Andrews
2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing, 161-168, 2010
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