Thomas Isele
Thomas Isele
Head of Data Science, 4Cast GmbH
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Is spreading depolarization characterized by an abrupt, massive release of gibbs free energy from the human brain cortex?
JP Dreier, T Isele, C Reiffurth, N Offenhauser, SA Kirov, MA Dahlem, ...
The Neuroscientist 19 (1), 25-42, 2013
Controlling chimera states: The influence of excitable units
T Isele, J Hizanidis, A Provata, P Hövel
Physical Review E 93 (2), 022217, 2016
Transient localized wave patterns and their application to migraine
MA Dahlem, TM Isele
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 3, 1-28, 2013
Propagation failure of excitation waves on trees and random networks
NE Kouvaris, T Isele, AS Mikhailov, E Schöll
Europhysics Letters 106 (6), 68001, 2014
Effect of small-world topology on wave propagation on networks of excitable elements
T Isele, E Schöll
New Journal of Physics 17 (2), 023058, 2015
Excitation waves on a minimal small-world model
T Isele, B Hartung, P Hövel, E Schöll
The European Physical Journal B 88, 1-14, 2015
Machine learning control—Explainable and analyzable methods
M Quade, T Isele, M Abel
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 412, 132582, 2020
An agent-based model for bovine viral diarrhea
J Bassett, P Blunk, T Isele, J Gethmann, P Hövel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.06964, 2018
Explainable Machine Learning Control--robust control and stability analysis
M Quade, T Isele, M Abel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.10056, 2020
Algorithms on graphs–Automatic course verification in elearning
S Jeschke, T Richter, T Isele, O Pfeiffer
Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, 2008
Excitation waves on complex networks
TM Isele
Algorithms on Graphs-Automatic Course Validation in eLearning
S Jeschke, T Isele, O Pfeiffer, T Richter
ACTA Press, 2008
Traveling waves on small-world networks
TM Isele
Network 1, 2.0, 0
Sabina Jeschke, Thomas Richter Center for Information Technologies (RUS) University of Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany {sabina. jeschke, thomas. richter}@ rus. uni-stuttgart. de
T Isele, O Pfeiffer
Proceedings of the 12th IASTED International Conference 624 (060), 100, 0
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