Makoto Katori
Makoto Katori
Professor of Physics, Chuo University
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Symmetry of matrix-valued stochastic processes and noncolliding diffusion particle systems
M Katori, H Tanemura
Journal of mathematical physics 45 (8), 3058-3085, 2004
Coherent anomaly method in critical phenomena. I.
M Suzuki, M Katori, X Hu
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 56 (9), 3092-3112, 1987
Limit distributions of two-dimensional quantum walks
K Watabe, N Kobayashi, M Katori, N Konno
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (6), 062331, 2008
Noncolliding Brownian motion and determinantal processes
M Katori, H Tanemura
Journal of statistical physics 129, 1233-1277, 2007
Scaling limit of vicious walks and two-matrix model
M Katori, H Tanemura
Physical Review E 66 (1), 011105, 2002
Coherent anomaly method in critical phenomena. II. Applications to the two-and three-dimensional Ising models
M Katori, M Suzuki
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 56 (9), 3113-3125, 1987
Coherent-anomaly method in critical phenomena. III. Mean-field transfer-matrix method in the 2D Ising model
X Hu, M Katori, M Suzuki
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 56 (11), 3865-3880, 1987
Upper bounds for survival probability of the contact process
M Katori, N Konno
Journal of statistical physics 63, 115-130, 1991
Bessel processes, Schramm-Loewner evolution, and the Dyson model
M Katori
Springer Singapore, 2016
Non-equilibrium dynamics of Dyson’s model with an infinite number of particles
M Katori, H Tanemura
Communications in Mathematical Physics 293 (2), 469-497, 2010
Noncolliding squared Bessel processes
M Katori, H Tanemura
Journal of Statistical Physics 142, 592-615, 2011
New method to study critical phenomena—Mean-field finite-size scaling theory
M Suzuki, M Katori
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 55 (1), 1-4, 1986
Proof of breaking of self-organized criticality in a nonconservative abelian sandpile model
T Tsuchiya, M Katori
Physical Review E 61 (2), 1183, 2000
Wigner formula of rotation matrices and quantum walks
T Miyazaki, M Katori, N Konno
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (1), 012332, 2007
Specific-heat anomaly in the Ising antiferromagnet Fe in external magnetic fields
HA Katori, K Katsumata, M Katori
Physical Review B 54 (14), R9620, 1996
Applications of the CAM based on a new decoupling procedure of correlation functions in the one-dimensional contact process
N Konno, M Katori
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 59 (5), 1581-1592, 1990
Vicious walks with a wall, noncolliding meanders, and chiral and Bogoliubov–de Gennes random matrices
M Katori, H Tanemura, T Nagao, N Komatsuda
Physical Review E 68 (2), 021112, 2003
Coherent-anomaly method in critical phenomena. V. Estimation of the dynamical critical exponent Δ of the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model
M Katori, M Suzuki
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 57 (3), 807-817, 1988
Functional central limit theorems for vicious walkers
M Katori*, H Tanemura
Stochastics and Stochastic Reports 75 (6), 369-390, 2003
Maximum distributions of bridges of noncolliding Brownian paths
N Kobayashi, M Izumi, M Katori
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (5 …, 2008
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