Klaus Satzke
Klaus Satzke
Nokia Bell Labs
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{SAND}: Towards {High-Performance} serverless computing
IE Akkus, R Chen, I Rimac, M Stein, K Satzke, A Beck, P Aditya, V Hilt
2018 Usenix Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 18), 923-935, 2018
Enhanced radiative recombination of free excitons in GaAs quantum wells
B Deveaud, F Clérot, N Roy, K Satzke, B Sermage, DS Katzer
Physical review letters 67 (17), 2355, 1991
Method for mapping media components employing machine learning
K Satzke, S Wahl
US Patent 9,684,706, 2017
Will serverless computing revolutionize NFV?
P Aditya, IE Akkus, A Beck, R Chen, V Hilt, I Rimac, K Satzke, M Stein
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (4), 667-678, 2019
Optical study of the electronic states of As/As quantum wells in high electric fields
K Satzke, G Weiser, W Stolz, K Ploog
Physical Review B 43 (3), 2263, 1991
Absorption and electroabsorption spectra of an In1−xGaxP1−yAsy/InP double heterostructure
K Satzke, G Weiser, R Höger, W Thulke
Journal of applied physics 63 (11), 5485-5490, 1988
Thermo-optic vertical coupler switches using hybrid polymer/silica integration technology
N Keil, C Weinert, W Wirges, HH Yao, S Yilmaz, C Zawadzki, J Schneider, ...
Electronics Letters 36 (5), 430-431, 2000
Polarization-independent and ultra-high bandwidth electroabsorption modulator in multiquantum-well deep-ridge waveguide technology
R Weinmann, D Baums, U Cebulla, H Haisch, D Kaiser, E Kuhn, E Lach, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 8 (7), 891-893, 1996
Electroabsorption studies on InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum‐well laser structures
K Satzke, HG Vestner, G Weiser, L Goldstein, A Perales
Journal of applied physics 69 (11), 7703-7710, 1991
Focusing device
K Satzke
US Patent 7,173,767, 2007
Radiative recombination of free excitons in GaAs quantum wells
B Sermage, B Deveaud, K Satzke, F Clerot, C Dumas, N Roy, DS Katzer, ...
Superlattices and microstructures 13 (2), 271, 1993
Hybrid polymer/silica vertical coupler switch with<-32 dB polarisation-independent crosstalk
N Keil, HH Yao, C Zawadzki, K Lösch, K Satzke, W Wischmann, J v Wirth, ...
Electronics Letters 37 (2), 1, 2001
Ultrahigh-bandwidth (42 GHz) polarisation-independent ridge wavegulde electroabsorption modulator based on tensile strained InGaAsP MQW
K Satzke, D Baums, U Cebulla, H Haisch, D Kaiser, E Lach, E Kuhn, ...
Electronics Letters 31 (23), 2030-2032, 1995
Efficient gpu sharing for serverless workflows
K Satzke, IE Akkus, R Chen, I Rimac, M Stein, A Beck, P Aditya, M Vanga, ...
Proceedings of the 1st workshop on high performance serverless computing, 17-24, 2020
Method of transferring messages
S Wahl, V Laible, K Satzke
US Patent App. 11/222,941, 2006
Hybrid polymer/silica thermo-optic vertical coupler switches
N Keil, HH Yao, C Zawadzki, K Lösch, K Satzke, W Wischmann, JV Wirth, ...
Applied Physics B 73, 469-473, 2001
2.5 Gbit/s transmission over 1391 km of non-dispersion-shifted fibre using an integrated electroabsorption modulator/DFB laser module
V Rodrigues, B Clesca, S Gauchard, JF Vinchant, D Lesterlin, A Bodere, ...
Electronics Letters 32 (10), 909-910, 1996
Distributed mapping function for large scale media clouds
S Wahl, K Satzke
Multifunctional application of monolithic mode locked laser in (O) TDM systems: Pulse generation and optical clock recovery
E Lach, H Buelow, J Bouyad-Amine, U Cebulla, K Dutting, T Feeser, ...
Proceedings of European Conference on Optical Communication 4, 23-26, 1996
The design of quantum-confined Stark effect modulators for integration with 1.5 mu m lasers
RW Martin, SL Wong, RJ Nicholas, K Satzke, M Gibbon, EJ Thrush
Semiconductor science and technology 8 (6), 1173, 1993
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Articles 1–20