Anna-Katharine Brem
Anna-Katharine Brem
University of Bern, King's College London
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Modafinil for cognitive neuroenhancement in healthy non-sleep-deprived subjects: a systematic review
RM Battleday, AK Brem
European Neuropsychopharmacology 25 (11), 1865-1881, 2015
Enhancing cognition using transcranial electrical stimulation
E Santarnecchi, AK Brem, E Levenbaum, T Thompson, RC Kadosh, ...
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 4, 171-178, 2015
Learning and memory
A Brem, K Ran, A Pascual-leone
Handbook of clinical neurology 116, 693-737, 2013
Is neuroenhancement by noninvasive brain stimulation a net zero-sum proposition?
AK Brem, PJ Fried, JC Horvath, EM Robertson, A Pascual-Leone
Neuroimage 85, 1058-1068, 2014
Non-invasive brain stimulation and neuroenhancement
A Antal, B Luber, AK Brem, M Bikson, AR Brunoni, RC Kadosh, ...
Clinical neurophysiology practice 7, 146-165, 2022
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment for depressive disorders: current knowledge and future directions
C Baeken, AK Brem, M Arns, AR Brunoni, I Filipcic, A Ganho-Ávila, ...
Current opinion in psychiatry 32 (5), 409-415, 2019
Combining brain stimulation and video game to promote long-term transfer of learning and cognitive enhancement
CY Looi, M Duta, AK Brem, S Huber, HC Nuerk, RC Kadosh
Scientific reports 6 (1), 1-12, 2016
EEG microstate correlates of fluid intelligence and response to cognitive training
E Santarnecchi, AR Khanna, CS Musaeus, CSY Benwell, P Davila, ...
Brain topography 30, 502-520, 2017
Modulating fluid intelligence performance through combined cognitive training and brain stimulation
AK Brem, JNF Almquist, K Mansfield, F Plessow, F Sella, E Santarnecchi, ...
Neuropsychologia, 2018
Non-invasive brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease: Exploiting crossroads of cognition and mood
L Dinkelbach, M Brambilla, R Manenti, AK Brem
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 75, 407-418, 2017
Humans with type-2 diabetes show abnormal long-term potentiation-like cortical plasticity associated with verbal learning deficits
PJ Fried, L Schilberg, AK Brem, S Saxena, B Wong, AM Cypess, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 55 (1), 89-100, 2016
The biological classification of mental disorders (BeCOME) study: a protocol for an observational deep-phenotyping study for the identification of biological subtypes
TM Brückl, VI Spoormaker, PG Sämann, AK Brem, L Henco, D Czamara, ...
BMC psychiatry 20, 1-25, 2020
Separating EEG correlates of stress: Cognitive effort, time pressure, and social‐evaluative threat
NM Ehrhardt, J Fietz, J Kopf‐Beck, N Kappelmann, AK Brem
European journal of neuroscience 55 (9-10), 2464-2473, 2022
Treatment of visuospatial neglect with biparietal tDCS and cognitive training: a single-case study
AK Brem, E Unterburger, I Speight, L Jäncke
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 8, 180, 2014
Corticomotor plasticity predicts clinical efficacy of combined neuromodulation and cognitive training in Alzheimer’s disease
AK Brem, R Di Iorio, PJ Fried, AJ Oliveira-Maia, C Marra, P Profice, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 12, 200, 2020
Synchronous and opposite roles of the parietal and prefrontal cortices in bistable perception: A double-coil TMS–EEG study
M Vernet, AK Brem, F Farzan, A Pascual-Leone
Cortex 64, 78-88, 2015
Self-reported sleep disturbance and incidence of dementia in ageing men
MK Luojus, SM Lehto, T Tolmunen, AK Brem, E Lönnroos, J Kauhanen
J Epidemiol Community Health 71 (4), 329-335, 2017
Schema therapy versus cognitive behavioral therapy versus individual supportive therapy for depression in an inpatient and day clinic setting: study protocol of the OPTIMA-RCT
J Kopf-Beck, P Zimmermann, S Egli, M Rein, N Kappelmann, J Fietz, ...
BMC psychiatry 20, 1-19, 2020
Role of the motor system in language knowledge
I Berent, AK Brem, X Zhao, E Seligson, H Pan, J Epstein, E Stern, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (7), 1983-1988, 2015
Transcranial electrical stimulation improves cognitive training effects in healthy elderly adults with low cognitive performance
C Krebs, J Peter, P Wyss, AK Brem, S Klöppel
Clinical neurophysiology 132 (6), 1254-1263, 2021
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