Akira Muto
Akira Muto
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Real-time visualization of neuronal activity during perception
A Muto, M Ohkura, G Abe, J Nakai, K Kawakami
Current Biology 23 (4), 307-311, 2013
An affective disorder in zebrafish with mutation of the glucocorticoid receptor
L Ziv, A Muto, PJ Schoonheim, SH Meijsing, D Strasser, HA Ingraham, ...
Molecular psychiatry 18 (6), 681-691, 2013
Forward genetic analysis of visual behavior in zebrafish
A Muto, MB Orger, AM Wehman, MC Smear, JN Kay, PS Page-McCaw, ...
PLoS genetics 1 (5), e66, 2005
The Xenopus IP3 receptor: structure, function, and localization in oocytes and eggs
S Kume, A Muto, J Aruga, T Nakagawa, T Michikawa, T Furuichi, ...
Cell 73 (3), 555-570, 1993
Genetic visualization with an improved GCaMP calcium indicator reveals spatiotemporal activation of the spinal motor neurons in zebrafish
A Muto, M Ohkura, T Kotani, S Higashijima, J Nakai, K Kawakami
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (13), 5425-5430, 2011
Entrained rhythmic activities of neuronal ensembles as perceptual memory of time interval
G Sumbre, A Muto, H Baier, M Poo
Nature 456 (7218), 102-106, 2008
zTrap: zebrafish gene trap and enhancer trap database
K Kawakami, G Abe, T Asada, K Asakawa, R Fukuda, A Ito, P Lal, N Mouri, ...
BMC developmental biology 10, 1-10, 2010
Glia-neuron interactions underlie state transitions to generalized seizures
C Diaz Verdugo, S Myren-Svelstad, E Aydin, E Van Hoeymissen, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3830, 2019
Role of inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate receptor in ventral signaling in Xenopus embryos
S Kume, A Muto, T Inoue, K Suga, H Okano, K Mikoshiba
Science 278 (5345), 1940-1943, 1997
Behavioral screening assays in zebrafish
MB Orger, E Gahtan, A Muto, P Page-McCaw, MC Smear, H Baier
Methods in cell biology 77, 53-68, 2004
Endothelial Ca2+ oscillations reflect VEGFR signaling-regulated angiogenic capacity in vivo
Y Yokota, H Nakajima, Y Wakayama, A Muto, K Kawakami, S Fukuhara, ...
elife 4, e08817, 2015
Identification of a neuronal population in the telencephalon essential for fear conditioning in zebrafish
P Lal, H Tanabe, ML Suster, D Ailani, Y Kotani, A Muto, M Itoh, M Iwasaki, ...
BMC biology 16, 1-18, 2018
Retinal network adaptation to bright light requires tyrosinase
PS Page-McCaw, SC Chung, A Muto, T Roeser, W Staub, ...
Nature neuroscience 7 (12), 1329-1336, 2004
Activation of the hypothalamic feeding centre upon visual prey detection
A Muto, P Lal, D Ailani, G Abe, M Itoh, K Kawakami
Nature communications 8 (1), 15029, 2017
Calcium waves along the cleavage furrows in cleavage-stage Xenopus embryos and its inhibition by heparin.
A Muto, S Kume, T Inoue, H Okano, K Mikoshiba
The Journal of cell biology 135 (1), 181-190, 1996
Prey capture in zebrafish larvae serves as a model to study cognitive functions
A Muto, K Kawakami
Frontiers in neural circuits 7, 110, 2013
Gal4 driver transgenic zebrafish: powerful tools to study developmental biology, organogenesis, and neuroscience
K Kawakami, K Asakawa, M Hibi, M Itoh, A Muto, H Wada
Advances in genetics 95, 65-87, 2016
Developmental expression of the inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate receptor and structural changes in the endoplasmic reticulum during oogenesis and meiotic maturation ofXenopus laevis
S Kume, A Yamamoto, T Inoue, A Muto, H Okano, K Mikoshiba
Developmental biology 182 (2), 228-239, 1997
Intracellular targeting and homotetramer formation of a truncated inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor–green fluorescent protein chimera in Xenopus laevis oocytes …
LG Sayers, A Miyawaki, A Muto, H Takeshita, A Yamamoto, T Michikawa, ...
Biochemical Journal 323 (1), 273-280, 1997
Gq Pathway Desensitizes Chemotactic Receptor-induced Calcium Signaling via Inositol Trisphosphate Receptor Down-regulation (∗)
Z Honda, T Takano, N Hirose, T Suzuki, A Muto, S Kume, K Mikoshiba, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 270 (9), 4840-4844, 1995
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