Prof. Dr. Alexander Zureck, MBA
Prof. Dr. Alexander Zureck, MBA
FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management
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Beiträge zur Verbraucherforschung Band 2 Der verletzliche Verbraucher: Die sozialpolitische Dimension der Verbraucherpolitik
R Maier-Rigaud, MB Piorkowsky, J Reiter, E Frère, A Zureck, T Bensch, ...
Verbraucherzentrale NRW, 2014
Industry 4.0 in Germany-The Obstacles Regarding Smart Production in the Manufacturing Industry
E Frère, A Zureck, K Röhrig
Available at SSRN 3223765, 2018
Achieving Active Learning And Deep Learning With Media Using The Example Of Teaching Finance
A Zureck
Problems of Education in the 21st Century 79 (3), 485-504, 2021
Analyzing the Emotional Bondage of Serial Fans and Business Decisions on Series Extension in the Context of Impact on the Stock Price of the Providers
D Schmidt, A Zureck, S Gradetzki, G Seel
Financial Assets and Investing 10 (1), 25-39, 2019
Finanzberatung: Eine empirische Analyse bei Young Professionals
J Reiter, E Frère, A Zureck, T Bensch …, 2016
Finanzberatung: Eine empirische Analyse bei Young Professionals
J Reiter, E Frère, A Zureck, T Bensch
Essen: dips. http://www. fom-dips. de/fileadmin/iom/downloads …, 2013
Management of Environmental and Social Risks Within Sustainable Project Finance: Solving Tensions to Enable Sustainable Development
D Mertens, L Klingenberger, E Frère, D Harder, A Zureck
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 18 (3), 661-675, 2023
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis on the Efficiency of European Intraday Electricity Markets
JN Buescher, D Gottwald, F Momm, A Zureck
Energies 15 (10), 3494, 2022
Inclusive Measurement of Public Perception of Corporate Low-Carbon Ambitions: Analysis of Strategic Positioning for Sustainable Development Using Natural Language Processing
L Klingenberger, S Shahi, CD Au, E Frère, A Zureck
Planning 17 (1), 259-265, 2022
Assessment of the Digital Competence of Germany: Global Competitive Analysis Towards Global Industries
O Varol, A Zureck
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020
A call to theorize digital information technology due diligence: Analysis of research gaps for the subject of information technology due diligence in mergers and acquisitions
D Stein, A Zureck, T Jäger
June 2018, 25-26, 2018
Konsequenzen aus Digitalisierung und Konsolidierung für kleinere Institute
P Krahnhof, A Zureck
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, 16-20, 2018
Eine kapitalmarktorientierte Analyse der Ökonomisierung des Fußballs im Kontext der Behavioral Finance
A Zureck
Masaryk Universität, 2016
Initial Coin Offerings in Europe–The Current Legal Framework and its Consequences for Investors and Issuers
F Steverding, A Zureck
Available at SSRN 3536691, 2020
E Frère, A Zureck
Management Basics, 47-73, 2020
Teaching and Learning with Audiovisual Media: Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Podcasts in Financial Literacy
A Zureck, E Frère, G Seel, L Klingenberger
Josef Nešleha. European Financial Systems 2019 Proceedings of the 16th …, 2019
Cross-Generational Investment Behavior and the Impact on Personal Finance
A Zureck, J Reiter, M Svoboda
Journal of International Business Research and Marketing 3 (2), 16-18, 2018
Kritische Analyse der Financial Literacy im internationalen Vergleich
M Svoboda, A Zureck
Financial Communication in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
A Zureck
Financial Communication in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, 23-35, 2015
Investor Reactions to a Change in Coach in European Football
A Zureck, S Reuse, M Svoboda, E Frère
Managing and Modelling of Financial Risks, 914-921, 2014
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