Marcelo Azevedo Costa
Marcelo Azevedo Costa
Full Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering
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Limits of Brazil’s Forest Code as a means to end illegal deforestation
AA Azevedo, R Rajão, MA Costa, MCC Stabile, MN Macedo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (29), 7653-7658, 2017
Fast detection of arbitrarily shaped disease clusters
R Assuncao, M Costa, A Tavares, S Ferreira
Statistics in medicine 25 (5), 723-742, 2006
Improving generalization of MLPs with sliding mode control and the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm
MA Costa, A de Pádua Braga, BR de Menezes
Neurocomputing 70 (7-9), 1342-1347, 2007
Predicting water demand: A review of the methods employed and future possibilities
G de Souza Groppo, MA Costa, M Libânio
Water Supply 19 (8), 2179-2198, 2019
Detection and classification of faults in power transmission lines using functional analysis and computational intelligence
A de Souza Gomes, MA Costa, TGA de Faria, WM Caminhas
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 28 (3), 1402-1413, 2013
Failure detection in robotic arms using statistical modeling, machine learning and hybrid gradient boosting
MA Costa, B Wullt, M Norrlöf, S Gunnarsson
Technical report from Automatic Control at Linköpings universitet, 2018
Constrained spanning tree algorithms for irregularly-shaped spatial clustering
MA Costa, RM Assunçao, M Kulldorff
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56 (6), 1771-1783, 2012
A fair comparison between the spatial scan and the Besag–Newell Disease clustering tests
MA Costa, RM Assunção
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 12, 301-319, 2005
Power of the sequential Monte Carlo test
I Silva, R Assunçao, M Costa
Sequential Analysis 28 (2), 163-174, 2009
Cadastro Ambiental Rural e sua influência na dinâmica do desmatamento na Amazônia Legal
A Azevedo, R Rajão, M Costa, MCC Stabile, A Alencar, P Moutinho
Boletim Amazônia em pauta 3 (2014), 1-16, 2014
Training neural networks with a multi-objective sliding mode control algorithm
MA Costa, AP Braga, BR Menezes, RA Teixeira, GG Parma
Neurocomputing 51, 467-473, 2003
Statistical evaluation of Data Envelopment Analysis versus COLS Cobb–Douglas benchmarking models for the 2011 Brazilian tariff revision
MA Costa, ALM Lopes, GBB de Pinho Matos
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 49, 47-60, 2015
Sliding mode neural network control of an induction motor drive
GG Parma, BR Menezes, AP Braga, MA Costa
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 17 (6), 501-508, 2003
Maximum linkage space-time permutation scan statistics for disease outbreak detection
MA Costa, M Kulldorff
International journal of health geographics 13, 1-14, 2014
Extended isolation forests for fault detection in small hydroelectric plants
RB de Santis, MA Costa
Sustainability 12 (16), 6421, 2020
Multi-objective algorithms for neural networks learning
AP Braga, RHC Takahashi, MA Costa, RA Teixeira
Multi-objective machine learning, 151-171, 2006
Susceptibility to Plasmodium vivax malaria associated with DARC (Duffy antigen) polymorphisms is influenced by the time of exposure to malaria
FS Kano, AM de Souza, L de Menezes Torres, MA Costa, FA Souza-Silva, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13851, 2018
Optimal selection of the spatial scan parameters for cluster detection: a simulation study
SHR Ribeiro, MA Costa
Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology 3 (2), 107-120, 2012
A close look at second stage data envelopment analysis using compound error models and the Tobit model
AV Da Silva, MA Costa, ALM Lopes, GM do Carmo
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 65, 111-126, 2019
Applications of spatial scan statistics: a review
MA Costa, M Kulldorff
Scan statistics: methods and applications, 129-152, 2009
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