Emel Seyhan
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Cited by
NGA-West2 equations for predicting PGA, PGV, and 5% damped PSA for shallow crustal earthquakes
DM Boore, JP Stewart, E Seyhan, GM Atkinson
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 1057-1085, 2014
NGA-West2 database
TD Ancheta, RB Darragh, JP Stewart, E Seyhan, WJ Silva, BSJ Chiou, ...
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 989-1005, 2014
NGA-West2 research project
Y Bozorgnia, NA Abrahamson, LA Atik, TD Ancheta, GM Atkinson, ...
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 973-987, 2014
PEER NGA-West2 Database
TD Ancheta
Semi-empirical nonlinear site amplification from NGA-West2 data and simulations
E Seyhan, JP Stewart
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 1241-1256, 2014
Comparison of nga-west2 gmpes
N Gregor, NA Abrahamson, GM Atkinson, DM Boore, Y Bozorgnia, ...
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 1179-1197, 2014
NGA-West2 site database
E Seyhan, JP Stewart, TD Ancheta, RB Darragh, RW Graves
Earthquake spectra 30 (3), 1007-1024, 2014
NGA-West2 equations for predicting vertical-component PGA, PGV, and 5%-damped PSA from shallow crustal earthquakes
JP Stewart, DM Boore, E Seyhan, GM Atkinson
Earthquake Spectra 32 (2), 1005-1031, 2016
Peer nga-west2 database, PEER Report 2013/03
TD Ancheta, RB Darragh, JP Stewart, E Seyhan, WJ Silva, BSJ Chiou, ...
California, USA: Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 2013
Semi-empirical nonlinear site amplification and its application in NEHRP site factors
JP Stewart, E Seyhan
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 2013
A ground‐motion prediction model for shallow crustal earthquakes in Greece
DM Boore, JP Stewart, AA Skarlatoudis, E Seyhan, B Margaris, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 111 (2), 857-874, 2021
Two-stage nonlinear site amplification modeling for Japan with VS30 and fundamental frequency dependency
DY Kwak, E Seyhan
Earthquake Spectra 36 (3), 1359-1385, 2020
Calibration of a semi-stochastic procedure for simulating high-frequency ground motions
E Seyhan, JP Stewart, RW Graves
Earthquake Spectra 29 (4), 1495-1519, 2013
Site response in NEHRP Provisions and NGA models
E Seyhan, JP Stewart
Geotechnical Engineering State of the Art and Practice: Keynote Lectures …, 2012
Hellenic Strong‐Motion Database with Uniformly Assigned Source and Site Metadata for the Period 1972–2015
B Margaris, EM Scordilis, JP Stewart, DM Boore, N Theodoulidis, ...
Seismological Research Letters 92 (3), 2065-2080, 2021
Site effects in parametric ground motion models for the GEM-PEER Global GMPEs Project
JP Stewart, E Seyhan, DM Boore, KW Campbell, M Erdik, WJ Silva, ...
Development of peak frequency-site condition correlation models using H/V spectral ratio
DY Kwak, E Seyhan
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V, 340-347, 2018
A method of linear combination of multiple models for epistemic uncertainty minimization
DY Kwak, E Seyhan, T Kishida
11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2018: Integrating Science …, 2018
Calibration of semi-stochastic procedure for simulating high frequency ground motions
JP Stewart, E Seyhan, RW Graves
PEER Report 2011 9, 2011
Pacific earthquake engineering research center
TD Ancheta, RB Darragh, JP Stewart, E Seyhan, WJ Silva, BSJ Chiou, ...
US, 2013
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Articles 1–20