Marcia Dutra de Barcellos
Marcia Dutra de Barcellos
Associate Professor at UFRGS and Senior Researcher at Ghent Univeristy
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The drivers for adoption of eco-innovation
MB Bossle, MD de Barcellos, LM Vieira, L Sauvée
Journal of Cleaner production 113, 861-872, 2016
European citizen and consumer attitudes and preferences regarding beef and pork
W Verbeke, FJA Pérez-Cueto, MD de Barcellos, A Krystallis, KG Grunert
Meat science 84 (2), 284-292, 2010
Consumer buying motives and attitudes towards organic food in two emerging markets: China and Brazil
J Thøgersen, MD De Barcellos, MG Perin, Y Zhou
International Marketing Review 32 (3/4), 389-413, 2015
European beef consumers’ interest in a beef eating-quality guarantee: insights from a qualitative study in four EU countries
W Verbeke, L Van Wezemael, MD de Barcellos, JO Kügler, JF Hocquette, ...
Appetite 54 (2), 289-296, 2010
Drivers and barriers to food waste reduction
IC Stangherlin, MD De Barcellos
British Food Journal 120 (10), 2364-2387, 2018
Attitudes of European citizens towards pig production systems
A Krystallis, MD de Barcellos, JO Kügler, W Verbeke, KG Grunert
Livestock Science 126 (1-3), 46-56, 2009
Investigating the gap between citizens' sustainability attitudes and food purchasing behaviour: empirical evidence from Brazilian pork consumers
MD de Barcellos, A Krystallis, MS de Melo Saab, JO Kügler, KG Grunert
International Journal of Consumer Studies 35 (4), 391-402, 2011
European consumers' acceptance of beef processing technologies: A focus group study
MD De Barcellos, JO Kügler, KG Grunert, L Van Wezemael, ...
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 11 (4), 721-732, 2010
European consumers and beef safety: Perceptions, expectations and uncertainty reduction strategies
L Van Wezemael, W Verbeke, JO Kügler, MD de Barcellos, KG Grunert
Food Control 21 (6), 835-844, 2010
Comportamento do consumidor de produtos orgânicos: uma aplicação da teoria do comportamento planejado
A Hoppe, MD De Barcellos, LM Vieira, CA De Matos
BASE Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da Unisinos 9 (2), 174-188, 2012
Paradoxical tensions and corporate sustainability: A focus on circular economy business cases
T Daddi, D Ceglia, G Bianchi, MD de Barcellos
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 26 (4), 770-780, 2019
Perceived risk and intention to use internet banking: The effects of self-confidence and risk acceptance
DL Marafon, K Basso, LB Espartel, MD de Barcellos, E Rech
International Journal of Bank Marketing 36 (2), 277-289, 2018
An analysis of value in an organic food supply chain
L Marques Vieira, M Dutra De Barcellos, A Hoppe, S Bitencourt da Silva
British Food Journal 115 (10), 1454-1472, 2013
An integrative conceptual framework for analyzing customer satisfaction with shopping trip experiences in grocery retailing
L Esbjerg, BB Jensen, T Bech-Larsen, MD de Barcellos, Y Boztug, ...
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 19 (4), 445-456, 2012
Consumer attitudes towards sustainability aspects of food production: Insights from three continents
A Krystallis, KG Grunert, MD de Barcellos, T Perrea, W Verbeke
Journal of Marketing Management 28 (3-4), 334-372, 2012
Consumer behaviour towards organic food in porto alegre: an application of the theory of planned behaviour
A Hoppe, LM Vieira, MD Barcellos
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 51, 69-90, 2013
Willingness to try innovative food products: a comparison between British and Brazilian consumers
MD Barcellos, LK Aguiar, GC Ferreira, LM Vieira
BAR-Brazilian Administration Review 6, 50-61, 2009
Food-related lifestyles and their association to obesity in five European countries
FJA Pérez-Cueto, W Verbeke, MD de Barcellos, O Kehagia, ...
Appetite 54 (1), 156-162, 2010
Consumer perceptions of beef healthiness: results from a qualitative study in four European countries
L Van Wezemael, W Verbeke, MD de Barcellos, J Scholderer, ...
BMC public health 10, 1-10, 2010
Yes, we also can! O desenvolvimento de iniciativas de consumo colaborativo no Brasil
AM Maurer, PS Figueiró, SAP Campos, VS Silva, MD Barcellos
BASE: revista de administração e contabilidade da Unisinos= BASE: UNISINOS …, 2015
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Articles 1–20