Anna Elisabeth Pohlmeyer
Anna Elisabeth Pohlmeyer
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Positive design: An introduction to design for subjective well-being
PMA Desmet, AE Pohlmeyer
International journal of design 7 (3), 2013
Walking variability and working-memory load in aging: a dual-process account relating cognitive control to motor control performance
M Lövdén, S Schaefer, AE Pohlmeyer, U Lindenberger
The journals of gerontology Series B: psychological sciences and social …, 2008
IUUI–intuitive use of user interfaces
C Mohs, J Hurtienne, JH Israel, AB Naumann, MC Kindsmüller, HA Meyer, ...
Fraunhofer Verlag, 2006
Age and cross-cultural comparison of drivers’ cognitive workload and performance in simulated urban driving
J Son, B Reimer, B Mehler, AE Pohlmeyer, KM Godfrey, J Orszulak, ...
International Journal of Automotive Technology 11, 533-539, 2010
Design for subjective well-being in interior architecture
A Petermans, AE Pohlmeyer
Proceedings of the annual architectural research symposium in Finland, 206-218, 2014
User experience lifecycle model ContinUE [continuous user experience]
AE Pohlmeyer, M Hecht, L Blessing
Der Mensch im Mittepunkt technischer Systeme. Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe …, 2009
Lost in time: the meaning of temporal aspects in user experience
S Kujala, M Vogel, AE Pohlmeyer, M Obrist
CHI'13 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems, 559-564, 2013
Design for happiness
AE Pohlmeyer
Interfaces: The Quarterly Magazine of BCS Interaction Group 2012 (92), 8-11, 2012
When ‘feeling good’is not good enough: Seven key opportunities for emotional granularity in product development
J Yoon, A Pohlmeyer, P Desmet
International Journal of Design 10 (3), 1-15, 2016
Embodied typology of positive emotions: The development of a tool to facilitate emotional granularity in design
J Yoon, PMA Desmet, AE Pohlmeyer
IASDR 2013: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of International …, 2013
Designing for positive emotions: issues and emerging research directions
JK Yoon, AE Pohlmeyer, PMA Desmet, C Kim
The Design Journal 24 (2), 167-187, 2020
Positive Design Reference Guide
S Jimenez, AE Pohlmeyer, PMA Desmet
Delft University of Technology, 2015
Identifying attribute importance in early product development
AE Pohlmeyer
Exemplified by Interactive Technologies and Age. Technische Universität Berlin, 2012
Developing usage guidelines for a card-based design tool
J Yoon, PMA Desmet, AE Pohlmeyer
Archives of Design Research 29 (4), 5, 2016
Special issue editorial: Design for subjective well-being
PMA Desmet, AE Pohlmeyer, J Forlizzi
International Journal of Design 7 (3), 2013
On intuitive use, physicality and tangible user interfaces
JH Israel, J Hurtienne, AE Pohlmeyer, C Mohs, M Kindsmuller, ...
International Journal of Arts and Technology 2 (4), 348-366, 2009
The use of heart rate in a driving simulator as an indicator of age-related differences in driver workload
B Reimer, BL Mehler, AE Pohlmeyer, JF Coughlin, JA Dusek
Advances in Transportation Studies an International Journal, Special Issue, 9-20, 2006
Positive design: New challenges, opportunities, and responsibilities for design
AE Pohlmeyer
Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Novel …, 2013
Design for intuitive use: beyond usability
AB Naumann, AE Pohlmeyer, S Husslein, MC Kindsmüller, C Mohs, ...
CHI'08 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2375-2378, 2008
The association between heart rate reactivity and driving performance under dual task demands in late middle age drivers
B Mehler, B Reimer, AE Pohlmeyer, JF Coughlin
Advances in Transportation Studies, An International Journal, Special Issue 5370, 2008
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