Isabel Sousa Pinto
Isabel Sousa Pinto
Centre for Marine and Environmental Research and FCUP, University of Porto
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Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem …
R Watson, I Baste, A Larigauderie, P Leadley, U Pascual, B Baptiste, ...
IPBES Secretariat: Bonn, Germany, 22-47, 2019
Global patterns of kelp forest change over the past half-century
KA Krumhansl, DK Okamoto, A Rassweiler, M Novak, JJ Bolton, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (48), 13785-13790, 2016
Evaluation of three seaweeds Gracilaria bursa-pastoris, Ulva rigida and Gracilaria cornea as dietary ingredients in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles
LMP Valente, A Gouveia, P Rema, J Matos, EF Gomes, IS Pinto
Aquaculture 252 (1), 85-91, 2006
IMTA with Gracilaria vermiculophylla: productivity and nutrient removal performance of the seaweed in a land-based pilot scale system
MH Abreu, R Pereira, C Yarish, AH Buschmann, I Sousa-Pinto
Aquaculture 312 (1-4), 77-87, 2011
Traditional vs. integrated multi-trophic aquaculture of Gracilaria chilensis CJ Bird, J. McLachlan & EC Oliveira: productivity and physiological performance
MH Abreu, DA Varela, L Henríquez, A Villarroel, C Yarish, I Sousa-Pinto, ...
Aquaculture 293 (3-4), 211-220, 2009
Advancing marine biological observations and data requirements of the complementary essential ocean variables (EOVs) and essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) frameworks
FE Muller-Karger, P Miloslavich, NJ Bax, S Simmons, MJ Costello, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 211, 2018
Monitoring biodiversity change through effective global coordination
LM Navarro, N Fernandez, C Guerra, R Guralnick, WD Kissling, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 29, 158-169, 2017
Spatial and temporal patterns of postdispersal seed predation
I Wheelan, C. Willson, M., Tuma ,C. & Sousa-Pinto
Can. J. Bot 69, 428-436, 1991
Biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services
T Elmqvist, E Maltby, T Barker, M Mortimer, C Perrings, J Aronson, ...
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Ecological and economic …, 2012
Conservation focus on Europe: major conservation policy issues that need to be informed by conservation science
AS Pullin, A Baldi, OE Can, M Dieterich, V Kati, B Livoreil, G Lövei, ...
Conservation biology 23 (4), 818-824, 2009
Experimental integrated aquaculture of fish and red seaweeds in Northern Portugal
J Matos, S Costa, A Rodrigues, R Pereira, IS Pinto
Aquaculture 252 (1), 31-42, 2006
Toward a coordinated global observing system for seagrasses and marine macroalgae
JE Duffy, L Benedetti-Cecchi, J Trinanes, FE Muller-Karger, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 317, 2019
Spatiotemporal Patterning of Reactive Oxygen Production and Ca2+ Wave Propagation in Fucus Rhizoid Cells
SM Coelho, AR Taylor, KP Ryan, I Sousa-Pinto, MT Brown, C Brownlee
The Plant Cell 14 (10), 2369-2381, 2002
Marine and coastal cultural ecosystem services: knowledge gaps and research priorities
JG Rodrigues, AJ Conides, S Rivero Rodriguez, S Raicevich, P Pita, ...
One Ecosystem 2 (2017), e12290, 2017
Status, trends and drivers of kelp forests in Europe: an expert assessment
RM Araújo, J Assis, R Aguillar, L Airoldi, I Bárbara, I Bartsch, T Bekkby, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 25, 1319-1348, 2016
Checklist of benthic marine algae and cyanobacteria of northern Portugal
R Araujo, I Barbara, M Tibaldo, E Berecibar, PD Tapia, R Pereira, ...
Walter de Gruyter 52 (1), 24-46, 2009
Global estimates of the extent and production of macroalgal forests
CM Duarte, JP Gattuso, K Hancke, H Gundersen, K Filbee‐Dexter, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (7), 1422-1439, 2022
Evaluation of IMTA-produced seaweeds (Gracilaria, Porphyra, and Ulva) as dietary ingredients in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., juveniles. Effects on …
DM Silva, LMP Valente, I Sousa-Pinto, R Pereira, MA Pires, F Seixas, ...
Journal of Applied Phycology 27, 1671-1680, 2015
Tracing seaweeds as mineral sources for farm-animals
ARJ Cabrita, MRG Maia, HM Oliveira, I Sousa-Pinto, AA Almeida, E Pinto, ...
Journal of applied phycology 28, 3135-3150, 2016
Nitrogen uptake responses of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss under combined and single addition of nitrate and ammonium
MH Abreu, R Pereira, AH Buschmann, I Sousa-Pinto, C Yarish
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 407 (2), 190-199, 2011
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