Hanna Dumont
Hanna Dumont
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Educational research and innovation the nature of learning using research to inspire practice: Using research to inspire practice
D Hanna, I David, B Francisco
OECD publishing, 2010
Quality of parental homework involvement: predictors and reciprocal relations with academic functioning in the reading domain.
H Dumont, U Trautwein, G Nagy, B Nagengast
Journal of educational psychology 106 (1), 144, 2014
Does parental homework involvement mediate the relationship between family background and educational outcomes?
H Dumont, U Trautwein, O Lüdtke, M Neumann, A Niggli, I Schnyder
Contemporary educational psychology 37 (1), 55-69, 2012
The need to distinguish between quantity and quality in research on parental involvement: The example of parental help with homework
S Moroni, H Dumont, U Trautwein, A Niggli, F Baeriswyl
The Journal of Educational Research 108 (5), 417-431, 2015
Tracking effects depend on tracking type: An international comparison of students’ mathematics self-concept
AK Chmielewski, H Dumont, U Trautwein
American educational research journal 50 (5), 925-957, 2013
Soziale ungleichheiten beim übergang von der grundschule in die sekundarstufe i: theorie, forschungsstand, interventions-und fördermöglichkeiten
H Dumont, K Maaz, M Neumann, M Becker
Herkunft und Bildungserfolg von der frühen Kindheit bis ins Erwachsenenalter …, 2014
Analysing and designing learning environments for the 21st century
H Dumont, D Istance
The nature of learning: Using research to inspire practice, 19-34, 2010
Die Zusammensetzung der Schülerschaft als Einflussfaktor für Schulleistungen
H Dumont, M Neumann, K Maaz, U Trautwein
Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht 60 (3), 163-183, 2013
Teacher perceptions of learning motivation and classroom behavior: The role of student characteristics
C Brandmiller, H Dumont, M Becker
Contemporary Educational Psychology 63, 101893, 2020
Neuer Schlauch für alten Wein? Eine konzeptuelle Betrachtung von individueller Förderung im Unterricht
H Dumont
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 22 (2), 249-277, 2019
The many (subtle) ways parents game the system: Mixed-method evidence on the transition into secondary-school tracks in Germany
H Dumont, D Klinge, K Maaz
Sociology of Education 92 (2), 199-228, 2019
Die Berliner Schulstrukturreform: Bewertung durch die beteiligten Akteure und Konsequenzen des neuen Übergangsverfahrens von der Grundschule in die weiterführenden Schulen
K Maaz, J Baumert, M Neumann, M Becker, H Dumont
Waxmann Verlag, 2013
Nature of learning: using research to inspire practice
F Benavides, H Dumont, D Istance
OECD, 2010
Do schools reduce or exacerbate inequality? How the associations between student achievement and achievement growth influence our understanding of the role of schooling
H Dumont, DD Ready
American Educational Research Journal 57 (2), 728-774, 2020
What happens to the fish’s achievement in a little pond? A simultaneous analysis of class-average achievement effects on achievement and academic self-concept.
F Stäbler, H Dumont, M Becker, J Baumert
Journal of Educational Psychology 109 (2), 191, 2017
Fish swimming into the ocean: How tracking relates to students’ self-beliefs and school disengagement at the end of schooling.
H Dumont, P Protsch, M Jansen, M Becker
Journal of Educational Psychology 109 (6), 855, 2017
Future directions for learning environments in the 21st century
D Istance, H Dumont
The nature of learning: Using research to inspire practice, 317-338, 2010
Recent developments in school tracking practices in Germany: An overview and outlook on future trends
M Becker, M Neumann, H Dumont
Orbis Scholae 10 (3), 9-25, 2017
English learner labeling: How English learner classification in kindergarten shapes teacher perceptions of student skills and the moderating role of bilingual instructional …
IM Umansky, H Dumont
American Educational Research Journal 58 (5), 993-1031, 2021
On the promise of personalized learning for educational equity
H Dumont, DD Ready
Npj science of learning 8 (1), 26, 2023
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