Detlev Belder
Detlev Belder
Professor für Analytische Chemie
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Surface modification in microchip electrophoresis
D Belder, M Ludwig
Electrophoresis 24 (21), 3595-3606, 2003
Cross‐linked poly (vinyl alcohol) as permanent hydrophilic column coating for capillary electrophoresis
D Belder, A Deege, H Husmann, F Kohler, M Ludwig
Electrophoresis 22 (17), 3813-3818, 2001
Enantioselective catalysis and analysis on a chip
D Belder, M Ludwig, LW Wang, MT Reetz
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 45 (15), 2463-2466, 2006
Deep UV laser-induced fluorescence detection of unlabeled drugs and proteins in microchip electrophoresis
P Schulze, M Ludwig, F Kohler, D Belder
Analytical Chemistry 77 (5), 1325-1329, 2005
Microfluidic glass chips with an integrated nanospray emitter for coupling to a mass spectrometer
P Hoffmann, U Häusig, P Schulze, D Belder
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 46 (26), 4913-4916, 2007
Rapid replication of master structures by double casting with PDMS
L Gitlin, P Schulze, D Belder
Lab on a Chip 9 (20), 3000-3002, 2009
Microchip electrophoresis for chiral separations
D Belder, M Ludwig
Electrophoresis 24 (15), 2422-2430, 2003
Microfluidics with droplets
D Belder
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 44 (23), 3521-3522, 2005
Asymmetric organocatalysis and analysis on a single microfluidic nanospray chip
S Fritzsche, S Ohla, P Glaser, DS Giera, M Sickert, C Schneider, D Belder
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 40 (50), 9467-9470, 2011
Subsecond chiral separations on a microchip
N Piehl, M Ludwig, D Belder
Electrophoresis 25 (21‐22), 3848-3852, 2004
Microfluidics and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, a win–win combination?
R Panneerselvam, H Sadat, EM Höhn, A Das, H Noothalapati, D Belder
Lab on a Chip 22 (4), 665-682, 2022
High‐speed chiral separations on a microchip with UV detection
M Ludwig, F Kohler, D Belder
Electrophoresis 24 (18), 3233-3238, 2003
Chip-based high-performance liquid chromatography for high-speed enantioseparations
S Thurmann, C Lotter, JJ Heiland, B Chankvetadze, D Belder
Analytical chemistry 87 (11), 5568-5576, 2015
Detection of antibiotics synthetized in microfluidic picolitre-droplets by various actinobacteria
L Mahler, K Wink, RJ Beulig, K Scherlach, M Tovar, E Zang, K Martin, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13087, 2018
Modification of silica surfaces for CZE by adsorption of non‐ionic hydrophilic polymers or use of radial electric fields
D Belder, G Schomburg
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography 15 (10), 686-693, 1992
Chiral separations of basic and acidic compounds in modified capillaries using cyclodextrin-modified capillary zone electrophoresis
D Belder, G Schomburg
Journal of chromatography A 666 (1-2), 351-365, 1994
Chip‐based free‐flow electrophoresis with integrated nanospray mass‐spectrometry
C Benz, M Boomhoff, J Appun, C Schneider, D Belder
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (9), 2766-2770, 2015
Label-free fluorescence detection in capillary and microchip electrophoresis
P Schulze, D Belder
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 393, 515-525, 2009
General approach for the analysis of various alkaloid classes using capillary electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry
M Unger, D Stöckigt, D Belder, J Stöckigt
Journal of Chromatography A 767 (1-2), 263-276, 1997
PDMS free-flow electrophoresis chips with integrated partitioning bars for bubble segregation
S Köhler, C Weilbeer, S Howitz, H Becker, V Beushausen, D Belder
Lab on a Chip 11 (2), 309-314, 2011
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