Frederik Aust
Cited by
Cited by
afex: Analysis of factorial experiments
H Singmann, B Bolker, J Westfall, F Aust, MS Ben-Shachar
R package version 0.13–145, 2015
Many Analysts, One Data Set: Making Transparent How Variations in Analytic Choices Affect Results
R Silberzahn, EL Uhlmann, D Martin, P Anselmi, F Aust, EC Awtrey, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (3), 337-356, 2018
papaja: Create APA manuscripts with R Markdown
F Aust, M Barth
R package, 2018
Seriousness checks are useful to improve data validity in online research
F Aust, B Diedenhofen, S Ullrich, J Musch
Behavior research methods 45 (2), 527-535, 2013
A practical guide for transparency in psychological science
O Klein, TE Hardwicke, F Aust, J Breuer, H Danielsson, AH Mohr, ...
Collabra: Psychology 4 (1), 20, 2018
Documenting contributions to scholarly articles using CRediT and tenzing
AO Holcombe, M Kovacs, F Aust, B Aczel
PLOS ONE 15 (12), e0244611, 2020
ggeffects: Create tidy data frames of marginal effects for ‘ggplot’from model outputs
D Lüdecke, F Aust, S Crawley, MS Ben-Shachar
R package version 0.3 3 (11), 10.21105, 2018
Bayes factors for mixed models
J van Doorn, F Aust, JM Haaf, AM Stefan, EJ Wagenmakers
Computational Brain & Behavior, 1-13, 2021
Bayesian Repeated-Measures Analysis of Variance: An Updated Methodology Implemented in JASP
D van den Bergh, EJ Wagenmakers, F Aust
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6 (2 …, 2023
citr: ’RStudio’ add-in to insert markdown citations
F Aust
R package, version 0.2. 0, available at https://CRAN. R-project. org/package …, 2016
Power analysis with superpower
AR Caldwell, D Lakens, CM Parlett-Pelleriti, G Prochilo, F Aust
Self Published on GitHub. Available Online at: https://aaroncaldwell. us …, 2019
A memory-based judgment account of expectancy-liking dissociations in evaluative conditioning.
F Aust, JM Haaf, C Stahl
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45 (3), 417, 2019
Evaluative conditioning as memory-based judgment
C Stahl, F Aust
Social Psychological Bulletin 13 (3), 1-30, 2018
From theories to models to predictions: A Bayesian model comparison approach
JN Rouder, JM Haaf, F Aust
Communication Monographs, 1-16, 2017
Subliminal influence on preferences? A test of evaluative conditioning for brief visual conditioned stimuli using auditory unconditioned stimuli
T Heycke, F Aust, C Stahl
Royal Society Open Science 4 (9), 160935, 2017
Incidental Attitude Formation via the Surveillance Task: A Preregistered Replication of the Olson and Fazio (2001) Study
T Moran, S Hughes, I Hussey, MA Vadillo, MA Olson, F Aust, K Bading, ...
Psychological Science, 0956797620968526, 2020
Attitudes from mere co-occurrences are guided by differentiation.
H Alves, F Högden, A Gast, F Aust, C Unkelbach
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2020
Incremental validity of Useful Field of View subtests for the prediction of instrumental activities of daily living
F Aust, JD Edwards
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 38 (5), 497-515, 2016
Informed Bayesian survival analysis
F Bartoš, F Aust, JM Haaf
BMC Medical Research Methodology 22 (1), 1-22, 2022
Normalized power priors always discount historical data
S Pawel, F Aust, L Held, EJ Wagenmakers
Stat 12 (1), e591, 2023
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Articles 1–20