Tuomo von Lerber
Tuomo von Lerber
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Cited by
Cavity-ring-down principle for fiber-optic resonators: experimental realization of bending loss and evanescent-field sensing
T Von Lerber, MW Sigrist
Applied optics 41 (18), 3567-3575, 2002
Optical clock recovery methods: Review
T von Lerber, S Honkanen, A Tervonen, H Ludvigsen, F Küppers
Optical fiber technology 15 (4), 363-372, 2009
Time constant extraction from noisy cavity ring-down signals
T von Lerber, MW Sigrist
Chemical physics letters 353 (1-2), 131-137, 2002
Multichannel and rate all-optical clock recovery
T Von Lerber, J Tuominen, H Ludvigsen, S Honkanen, F Kueppers
IEEE photonics technology letters 18 (12), 1395-1397, 2006
All-optical signal processing method and device
T Von Lerber
US Patent App. 10/548,109, 2006
Environmental applications of laser-based photoacoustic spectroscopy
MW Sigrist, A Bohren, T Lerber, M Nägele, A Romann
Analytical Sciences/Supplements 17 (0), s511-s514, 2002
Resonator based measurement technique for quantification of minute birefringence
T Lerber, H Ludvigsen, A Romann
Optics Express 12 (7), 1363-1371, 2004
pH regulation in frog cones studied by mass receptor photoresponses from the isolated retina
A Koskelainen, K Donner, T Lerber, S Hemilä
Vision research 33 (16), 2181-2188, 1993
Noise-equivalent and signal-equivalent visual summation of quantal events in space and time
S HEMILAe, T Lerber, K Donner
Visual neuroscience 15 (4), 731-742, 1998
All-optical majority gate based on an injection-locked laser
T von Lerber, M Lassas, VS Lyubopytov, L Ylinen, A Chipouline, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 14576, 2019
Method for measuring at least one physical parameter using an optical resonator
T Lerber, A Romann
US Patent App. 09/973,367, 2002
Dual output SOA based amplifier for PON extenders
A Tervonen, M Mattila, W Weiershausen, T von Lerber, E Parsons, ...
36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, 1-3, 2010
TDM/DWDM PON extender for 10 Gbit/s downstream transmission
QT Le, F Saliou, R Xia, P Chanclou, T von Lerber, A Tervonen, M Mattila, ...
2011 37th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, 1-3, 2011
All-optical signal processing method and device
T Von Lerber
US Patent 7,574,143, 2009
WDM-PON upstream budget extension for 4× 10 Gbit/s DPSK directly modulated lasers
A Emsia, TQ Le, T Von Lerber, D Briggmann, F Küppers
IEEE Photonics Conference 2012, 34-35, 2012
Photonic balancing in DPSK detection using pulse collision in a semiconductor optical amplifier
E Parsons, H Chaouch, F Kuppers, T von Lerber, M Mattila, ...
2009 35th European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-2, 2009
Method and an arrangement for initiating radiation absorption measurements of gaseous media
TA Von Lerber
US Patent 6,512,230, 2003
Noise suppression in an optical apparatus
T Von Lerber, M Mattila, A Tervonen, W Weiershausen
US Patent App. 13/227,140, 2011
All-optical processing of RZ-DPSK signals using counter-propagating pulses in a saturated SOA
H Chaouch, E Parsons, A Tervonen, M Mattila, W Weiershausen, ...
Optics Communications 284 (10-11), 2576-2580, 2011
Saturated collision amplifier reach extender for XGPON1 and TDM/DWDM PON
T von Lerber, A Tervonen, F Saliou, QT Le, P Chanclou, R Xia, M Mattila, ...
Optics Express 19 (26), B645-B652, 2011
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Articles 1–20