Gregor Kungl
Gregor Kungl
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The enactment of socio-technical transition pathways: A reformulated typology and a comparative multi-level analysis of the German and UK low-carbon electricity transitions …
FW Geels, F Kern, G Fuchs, N Hinderer, G Kungl, J Mylan, M Neukirch, ...
Research policy 45 (4), 896-913, 2016
Stewards or sticklers for change? Incumbent energy providers and the politics of the German energy transition
G Kungl
Energy Research & Social Science 8, 13-23, 2015
Sequence and alignment of external pressures in industry destabilisation: Understanding the downfall of incumbent utilities in the German energy transition (1998–2015)
G Kungl, FW Geels
Environmental innovation and societal transitions 26, 78-100, 2018
Sustainability transitions and strategic action fields: A literature review and discussion
G Kungl, DJ Hess
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 38, 22-33, 2021
Adaptive capacities, path creation and variants of sectoral change: the case of the transformation of the German energy supply system
G Fuchs, N Hinderer, G Kungl, M Neukirch
DEU 2012, 46, 2012
The incumbent German power companies in a changing environment: A comparison of E. ON, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall from 1998 to 2013
G Kungl
SOI Discussion Paper, 2014
Path dependence and path break-out in the electricity sector
EL Apajalahti, G Kungl
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 43, 220-236, 2022
Die grossen Stromkonzerne und die Energiewende
G Kungl
Campus Verlag, 2018
Challenges of the current discourse on incumbent firms in sustainability transitions
G Kungl
Energy Research & Social Science 108, 103367, 2024
The destabilisation of the German electricity industry (1998-2015): application and extension of a multi-dimensional framework
G Kungl, FW Geels
SOI Discussion Paper, 2016
Unleashing new entrants versus working with incumbents: A comparative multi-level analysis of the ongoing German and UK low-carbon electricity transitions
F Geels, F Kern, G Fuchs, N Hinderer, G Kungl, M Neukirch, ...
a paper presented at the 6th International Sustainability Transitions …, 2015
The Incumbent German Power Companies in a Changing Environment
G Kungl
A Comparison of E. ON, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall from 1998 to 2013, 2014
Adaptive capacities, path creation and variants of sectoral change
G Fuchs, N Hinderer, G Kungl, M Neukirch
The Case of the Transformation of the German Energy Supply System. SOI …, 2012
Ein grüner Geist des Kapitalismus
G Kungl
Konturen einer neuen Wirtschaftsgesinnung. Glückstadt: Werner Hülsbusch, 2022
Ein grüner Geist des Kapitalismus? Konturen einer neuen Wirtschaftsgesinnung
G Kungl
Die deutsche Energiewende: alte Konflikte in neuem Gewand?
G Kungl
Politikum 6 (2), 54-63, 2020
Die Realisierung soziotechnischer Transitionspfade: Eine reformulierte Typologie und eine vergleichende Mehrebenenanalyse der deutschen und britischen C02-Reduzierungspolitik …
F Geels, F Kern, G Fuchs, N Hinderer, G Kungl, J Mylan, M Neukirch, ...
Die Energiewende verstehen-orientieren-gestalten, 53-112, 2017
Öko-Startups und der grüne Geist des Kapitalismus–zur unternehmerischen Bearbeitung von ökologischen Herausforderungen
E Gajewski, G Kungl
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 53 (2), 108-126, 2024
Transitionsforschung und Energiewende
G Kungl
Handbuch Umweltsoziologie, 1-14, 2023
Economic alterity and the green spirit of capitalism–on the pitfalls of green entrepreneurship
E Gajewski, G Kungl
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 53, 100898, 2024
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