Birte Pöhler (Friedrich)
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Intertwining lexical and conceptual learning trajectories-A design research study on dual macro-scaffolding towards percentages
B Pöhler, S Prediger
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 11 (6 …, 2015
The interplay of micro-and macro-scaffolding: an empirical reconstruction for the case of an intervention on percentages
S Prediger, B Pöhler
ZDM 47, 1179-1194, 2015
Konzeptuelle und lexikalische Lernpfade und Lernwege zu Prozenten: eine Entwicklungsforschungsstudie
B Pöhler
Springer-Verlag, 2018
Relevante Sprachmittel für mathematische Textaufgaben–Korpuslinguistische Annäherung am Beispiel Prozentrechnung
C Niederhaus, B Pöhler, S Prediger
Deutsch als fremde Bildungssprache: Das Spannungsfeld von Fachwissen …, 2016
Processes of decision-making by mathematics PD facilitators: The role of resources, orientations, goals, and identities
R Karsenty, B Pöhler, G Schwarts, S Prediger, A Arcavi
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 1-25, 2021
Mathe sicher können
S Prediger, C Selter, S Hußmann, M Nührenbörger
Diagnose-und Förderkonzept zur Sicherung mathematischer Basiskompetenzen 1, 2014
Conceptualizing content-related PD facilitator expertise
S Prediger, B Roesken-Winter, R Stahnke, B Pöhler
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 1-26, 2022
Novice facilitators’ changes in practices: From launching to managing discussions about mathematics teaching
G Schwarts, B Pöhler, A Elbaum-Cohen, R Karsenty, A Arcavi, S Prediger
The Journal of mathematical behavior 64, 100901, 2021
Verstehensförderung erfordert auch Sprachförderung–Hintergründe und An-sätze einer Unterrichtseinheit zum Prozente verstehen, erklären und berechnen
B Pöhler, S Prediger
Cracking percent problems in different formats: The role of texts and visual models for students with low and high language proficiency
B Pöhler, S Prediger, H Weinert
CERME 9-Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics …, 2015
Conducting PD discussions on language repertoires: A case study on facilitators’ practices
S Prediger, B Pöhler
Proceedings of 43rd annual meeting of the International Group for the …, 2019
Are word problems really more difficult for students with low language proficiency? Investigating percent items in different formats and types
B Pöhler, AC George, S Prediger, H Weinert
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 12 (3), 667-687, 2017
Content-and language integrated learning: A field experiment for percentages
B Pöhler, S Prediger, P Neugebauer
Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the international group for the …, 2017
The servants of two discourses: How novice facilitators draw on their mathematics teaching experience
G Schwarts, A Elbaum-Cohen, B Pöhler, S Prediger, A Arcavi, R Karsenty
Educational studies in mathematics 112 (2), 247-266, 2023
Matilda-Handreichung zum inklusiven Prozente-Unterricht. Open Educational Ressource aus dem Projekt Mathematik inklusiv lehren lernen
S Prediger, J Strucksberg, C Ademmer, B Pöhler, J Kuhl, C Wittich, I Pulz, ...
Dortmund: Technische Universität/DZLM, 2019
Prozente verstehen–Inklusive Unterrichtseinheit in Basis-und Regelfassung
B Pöhler, S Prediger, J Strucksberg
Open Educational Ressource sima. dzlm. de/um. Abrufdatum 15, 2020, 2018
Role of facilitators in supporting teacher collaboration during PD courses on language-responsive mathematics teaching
B Pöhler
Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups …, 2020
Umgang mit Prozentaufgaben-Herausforderungen für konzeptuelles Verständnis und Leseverständnis
B Pöhler
Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund, 2014
Roles, identities and interactions of various participants in mathematics teacher collaboration
R Karsenty, S Dole, S Clivaz, B Griese, B Pöhler
Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups: The …, 2024
Facilitator practices during PD courses in response to teacher orientations for supporting at-risk students
C Laschke, V Shure, B Pöhler, B Rösken-Winter
Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics …, 2022
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