Stefan Wischmann
Stefan Wischmann
Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering, RWTH Aachen University
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Using SysML to Support Impact Analysis on Structural Dynamics Simulation Models
P Jagla, G Jacobs, J Siebrecht, S Wischmann, J Sprehe
Procedia CIRP 100, 91-96, 2021
Enhanced method for optimum driving point identification for modal testing
G Pasch, S Wischmann, P Drichel, G Jacobs, J Berroth
Journal of Vibration and Control 29 (7-8), 1472-1483, 2023
Modellierungsmethodik zur multiaxialen Abbildung des höherfrequenten Übertragungsverhaltens von Elastomerlagern in der NVH-Systemsimulation
P Drichel, G Jacobs, S Wischmann, JK Berroth
Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2019
Model-based NVH optimization of a tractor drivetrain during different phases of a design adaption
J Müller, G Jacobs, M Ramm, S Wischmann, P Jagla, J Berroth
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 87 (1), 363-373, 2023
Acoustic Optimization of a Power Take-off Gear Box Using Numerical Transfer Path Analysis
S Wischmann, G Pasch, J Berroth, G Jacobs
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1097 (1), 012012, 2021
Calculation of tooth pair stiffness by finite element analysis for the multibody simulation of flexible gear pairs with helical teeth and flank modifications
F Andary, C Heinzel, S Wischmann, J Berroth, G Jacobs
Multibody System Dynamics 59 (4), 395-428, 2023
Optimization workflow to parameterize elastomer material models based on arbitrary time‐domain measurement data
T Rapp, G Jacobs, J Berroth, R Bauermeister, S Wischmann
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 140 (25), e53974, 2023
Combining sensitivity and uncertainty analysis to efficiently quantify parametric uncertainties in NVH system simulation models
S Wischmann, P Drichel, G Jacobs, J Berges, J Berroth
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 87 (1), 453-467, 2023
On the influence of surface sealant on the nonlinear dynamics of jointed structures
S Wischmann, K Seifert, J Berroth, G Jacobs
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 173, 109061, 2022
On the influence of local deformation on structural dynamic models of bolted lap joints
S Wischmann, G Jacobs, G Höpfner
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 88 (1), 14, 2024
An Improved Method for Fem Modeling and Param- Eter Identification of Damping in Bolted Lap Joints Using Zero-Thickness Elements
S Wischmann, J Berroth, F König, G Jacobs
29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2023
Numerische Transferpfadanalyse zur modellbasierten Optimierung des Geräuschverhaltens von Antriebssträngen
S Wischmann, G Pasch, G Jacobs, J Berroth
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Artikel 1–12