Toronto MetropolitanUniversity
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Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at work
EP Takala, I Pehkonen, M Forsman, GÅ Hansson, SE Mathiassen, ...
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 3-24, 2010
A comparison of peak vs cumulative physical work exposure risk factors for the reporting of low back pain in the automotive industry
R Norman, R Wells, P Neumann, J Frank, H Shannon, M Kerr, ...
Clinical biomechanics 13 (8), 561-573, 1998
Ergonomics contributions to company strategies
J Dul, WP Neumann
Applied ergonomics 40 (4), 745-752, 2009
Industry 4.0 and the human factor–A systems framework and analysis methodology for successful development
WP Neumann, S Winkelhaus, EH Grosse, CH Glock
International journal of production economics 233, 107992, 2021
Incorporating human factors in order picking planning models: framework and research opportunities
EH Grosse, CH Glock, MY Jaber, WP Neumann
International Journal of Production Research 53 (3), 695-717, 2015
Biomechanical and psychosocial risk factors for low back pain at work.
MS Kerr, JW Frank, HS Shannon, RW Norman, RP Wells, WP Neumann, ...
American journal of public health 91 (7), 1069, 2001
Human factors in order picking: a content analysis of the literature
EH Grosse, CH Glock, WP Neumann
International journal of production research 55 (5), 1260-1276, 2017
Human factors in production and logistics systems of the future
F Sgarbossa, EH Grosse, WP Neumann, D Battini, CH Glock
Annual Reviews in Control 49, 295-305, 2020
Human factors: spanning the gap between OM and HRM
W Patrick Neumann, J Dul
International journal of operations & production management 30 (9), 923-950, 2010
Incorporating human fatigue and recovery into the learning–forgetting process
MY Jaber, ZS Givi, WP Neumann
Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (12-13), 7287-7299, 2013
A case study evaluating the ergonomic and productivity impacts of partial automation strategies in the electronics industry
WP Neumann, S Kihlberg, P Medbo, SE Mathiassen, J Winkel
International journal of production research 40 (16), 4059-4075, 2002
Assessment of physical work load in epidemiologic studies: common measurement metrics for exposure assessment
R Wells, R Norman, P Neumann, D Andrews, J Frank, H Shannon, M Kerr
Ergonomics 40 (1), 51-61, 1997
Production system design elements influencing productivity and ergonomics: A case study of parallel and serial flow strategies
WP Neumann, J Winkel, L Medbo, R Magneberg, SE Mathiassen
International journal of operations & production management 26 (8), 904-923, 2006
Production quality and human factors engineering: A systematic review and theoretical framework
A Kolus, R Wells, P Neumann
Applied ergonomics 73, 55-89, 2018
The effects of job rotation on the risk of reporting low back pain
M Frazer, R Norman, R Wells, P Neumann
Ergonomics 46 (9), 904-919, 2003
Modelling worker fatigue and recovery in dual-resource constrained systems
MY Jaber, WP Neumann
Computers & Industrial Engineering 59 (1), 75-84, 2010
Modelling worker reliability with learning and fatigue
ZS Givi, MY Jaber, WP Neumann
Applied Mathematical Modelling 39 (17), 5186-5199, 2015
Ergonomics action research II: a framework for integrating HF into work system design
WP Neumann, J Village
Ergonomics 55 (10), 1140-1156, 2012
The use of work environment performance indicators in corporate social responsibility reporting
C Searcy, SM Dixon, WP Neumann
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 2907-2921, 2016
Integrating ergonomics into production system development–The Volvo Powertrain case
WP Neumann, M Ekman, J Winkel
Applied ergonomics 40 (3), 527-537, 2009
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