Roberto Lange
Roberto Lange
Research Assistant, TU Darmstadt
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upstreamFoam: an OpenFOAM-based solver for heterogeneous porous media at different scales
R Lange, GM Magalhães, FF Rocha, PVS Coimbra, JL Favero
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03390, 2023
An OpenFOAM-based multiphase solver for physical systems with stationary and moving phases using a coupled solution for phase fractions
FF Rocha, AHLM Charin, GM Magalhães, HR Neto, R Lange
Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied …, 2023
Metodologia de otimização para previsão de perfil de dano em reservatórios utilizando o software OpenFOAM
FG da Costa, C Speglich, R Lange, RAC Dias
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