Han-Wei Shen
Han-Wei Shen
Editor-in-Chief of IEEE TVCG; Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Ohio State University
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Cited by
A near optimal isosurface extraction algorithm using the span space
Y Livnat, HW Shen, CR Johnson
IEEE transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2 (1), 73-84, 1996
Visual analytics
PC Wong, J Thomas
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24 (05), 20-21, 2004
View selection for volume rendering
UD Bordoloi, HW Shen
VIS 05. IEEE Visualization, 2005., 487-494, 2005
A fast volume rendering algorithm for time-varying fields using a time-space partitioning (TSP) tree
HW Shen, LJ Chiang, KL Ma
Proceedings Visualization'99 (Cat. No. 99CB37067), 371-545, 1999
Isosurfacing in span space with utmost efficiency (ISSUE)
HW Shen, CD Hansen, Y Livnat, CR Johnson
Proceedings of Seventh Annual IEEE Visualization'96, 287-294, 1996
Visualizing changes of hierarchical data using treemaps
Y Tu, HW Shen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 13 (6), 1286-1293, 2007
An information-theoretic framework for flow visualization
L Xu, TY Lee, HW Shen
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16 (6), 1216-1224, 2010
Visualization and visual analysis of ensemble data: A survey
J Wang, S Hazarika, C Li, HW Shen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (9), 2853-2872, 2018
The top 10 challenges in extreme-scale visual analytics
PC Wong, HW Shen, CR Johnson, C Chen, RB Ross
IEEE computer graphics and applications 32 (4), 63-67, 2012
Dqnviz: A visual analytics approach to understand deep q-networks
J Wang, L Gou, HW Shen, H Yang
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (1), 288-298, 2018
A new line integral convolution algorithm for visualizing time-varying flow fields
HW Shen, DL Kao
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 4 (2), 98-108, 1998
UFLIC: a line integral convolution algorithm for visualizing unsteady flows
HW Shen, DL Kao
Proceedings. Visualization'97 (Cat. No. 97CB36155), 317-322, 1997
Information theory in scientific visualization
C Wang, HW Shen
Entropy 13 (1), 254-273, 2011
Sweeping simplices: A fast iso-surface extraction algorithm for unstructured grids
HW Shen, CR Johnson
Proceedings Visualization'95, 143-150, 1995
Image-based streamline generation and rendering
L Li, HW Shen
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13 (3), 630-640, 2007
Visualizing vector fields using line integral convolution and dye advection
HW Shen, CR Johnson, KL Ma
Proceedings of 1996 Symposium on Volume Visualization, 63-70, 1996
Effects of pravastatin on functional capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary hypertension
TM Lee, CC Chen, HN Shen, NC Chang
Clinical science 116 (6), 497-505, 2009
High dimensional direct rendering of time-varying volumetric data
J Woodring, C Wang, HW Shen
IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003., 417-424, 2003
Differential volume rendering: A fast volume visualization technique for flow animation
HW Shen, CR Johnson
Proceedings Visualization'94, 180-187, 1994
Analysis of large-scale scalar data using hixels
D Thompson, JA Levine, JC Bennett, PT Bremer, A Gyulassy, V Pascucci, ...
2011 IEEE symposium on large data analysis and visualization, 23-30, 2011
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Articles 1–20