Leonard Lee
Leonard Lee
Director, Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR) & Professor, NUS Business School
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Try It, You’ll Like It: The Influence of Expectation, Consumption, and Revelation on Preferences for Beer
L Lee, S Frederick, D Ariely
Psychological Science 17 (12), 1054-1058, 2006
In Search of Homo Economicus: Cognitive Noise and the Role of Emotion in Preference Consistency
L Lee, O Amir, D Ariely
Journal of Consumer Research 36 (2), 173-187, 2009
Keeping It Real in Experimental Research: Understanding When, Where, and How to Enhance Realism and Measure Consumer Behavior
AC Morales, O Amir, L Lee
Journal of Consumer Research 44 (2), 465-476, 2017
Shopping Goals, Goal Concreteness, and Conditional Promotions
L Lee, D Ariely
Journal of Consumer Research 33 (1), 60-70, 2006
Marketing Agility: The Concept, Antecedents, and a Research Agenda
K Kalaignanam, KR Tuli, T Kushwaha, L Lee, D Gal
Journal of Marketing 85 (1), 35-58, 2021
The Limits of Attraction
S Frederick, L Lee, E Baskin
Journal of Marketing Research 51 (4), 487-507, 2014
Control Deprivation Activates Acquisition of Utilitarian Products
CY Chen, L Lee, AJ Yap
Journal of Consumer Research 43 (6), 1031-1047, 2017
If I’m Not Hot, Are You Hot or Not? Physical Attractiveness Evaluations and Dating Preferences as a Function of Own Attractiveness
L Lee, G Loewenstein, D Ariely, J Hong, J Young
Psychological Science 19 (7), 669-677, 2008
The Interrelationships between Brand and Channel Choice
SA Neslin, K Jerath, A Bodapati, ET Bradlow, J Deighton, S Gensler, ...
Marketing Letters 25 (3), 319-330, 2014
The Temperature Premium: Warmer Temperatures Increase Object Valuation
Y Zwebner, L Lee, J Goldenberg
Journal of Consumer Psychology 24 (2), 251-259, 2014
Finding the Right Mix: How the Composition of Self- Managing Multicultural Teams’ Cultural Value Orientation Influences Performance Over Time
CY Cheng, RYJ Chua, MW Morris, L Lee
Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (3), 389-411, 2012
How Price Promotions Influence Postpurchase Consumption Experience over Time
L Lee, CI Tsai
Journal of Consumer Research 40 (5), 943-959, 2014
From Browsing to Buying and Beyond: The Needs-Adaptive Shopper Journey Model
L Lee, JJ Inman, JJ Argo, T Böttger, U Dholakia, T Gilbride, K van Ittersum, ...
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 3 (3), 277-293, 2018
Feeling the Future: The Emotional Oracle Effect
MT Pham, L Lee, AT Stephen
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (3), 461-477, 2012
Money, Time, and the Stability of Consumer Preferences
L Lee, MP Lee, M Bertini, G Zauberman, D Ariely
Journal of Marketing Research 52 (2), 184-199, 2015
Crossing the Virtual Boundary: The Effect of Task-Irrelevant Environmental Cues on Task Implementation
M Zhao, L Lee, D Soman
Psychological Science 23 (10), 1200-1207, 2012
Price Promotions Cause Impatience
F Shaddy, L Lee
Journal of Marketing Research 57 (1), 118-133, 2020
Mobility as a Service (MaaS): The Importance of Transportation Psychology
G Tomaino, J Teow, Z Carmon, L Lee, M Ben-Akiva, C Chen, WY Leong, ...
Marketing Letters 31, 419-428, 2020
The Emotional Shopper: Assessing the Effectiveness of Retail Therapy
L Lee
Foundations and Trends® in Marketing 8 (2), 69-145, 2015
JPP&M's Global Perspective and Impact: An Agenda for Research on Marketing and Public Policy
C Shultz, J Hoek, L Lee, WY Leong, R Srinivasan, M Viswanathan, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 41 (1), 34-50, 2022
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