Simon Schaub
Simon Schaub
Institute of Political Science, Heidelberg University
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Mobilization in the European public sphere: The struggle over genetically modified organisms
J Tosun, S Schaub
Review of Policy Research 34 (3), 310-330, 2017
The political challenges of deep decarbonisation: towards a more integrated agenda
A Jordan, I Lorenzoni, J Tosun, L Geese, J Kenny, EL Saad, B Moore, ...
Climate Action 1 (1), 1-12, 2022
Perception of bottlenecks in the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive
A Zingraff-Hamed, B Schröter, S Schaub, R Lepenies, U Stein, F Hüesker, ...
Water Altern 13, 458-483, 2020
What determines regulatory preferences? Insights from micropollutants in surface waters
J Tosun, S Schaub, A Fleig
Environmental Science & Policy 106, 136-144, 2020
Comparing discourse and policy network approaches: Evidence from water policy on micropollutants
S Schaub, F Metz
Politics and governance 8 (2), 184-199, 2020
Making Europe go from bottles to the tap: Political and societal attempts to induce behavioral change
J Tosun, U Scherer, S Schaub, H Horn
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 2020
Constructing policy narratives for transnational mobilization: Insights from European Citizens’ Initiatives
J Tosun, S Schaub
European Policy Analysis 7, 344-364, 2021
Public contestation over agricultural pollution: a discourse network analysis on narrative strategies in the policy process
S Schaub
Policy Sciences 54 (4), 783-821, 2021
Climate policy ambition: Exploring a policy density perspective
S Schaub, J Tosun, A Jordan, J Enguer
Politics and Governance 10 (3), 226-238, 2022
The regulation of genetically modified organisms on a local level: Exploring the determinants of cultivation bans
U Hartung, S Schaub
Sustainability 10 (10), 3392, 2018
Salient to whom? The positioning of German political parties on agricultural pollutants in water bodies
S Schaub
Water 11 (11), 2278, 2019
Transition towards sustainable pharmacy? The influence of public debates on policy responses to pharmaceutical contaminants in water
S Schaub, T Braunbeck
Environmental Sciences Europe 32, 1-19, 2020
Does China have a public debate on genetically modified organisms? A discourse network analysis of public debate on Weibo
Y Jin, S Schaub, J Tosun, J Wesseler
Public Understanding of Science 31 (6), 732-750, 2022
Scenarios of water extremes‐framing ways forward for wicked problems
H Kosow, S Kirschke, D Borchardt, J Cullmann, JHA Guillaume, ...
Hydrological Processes, e14492, 2022
Europeans’ attitudes toward the goals of agricultural policy: a case of rural–urban divide?
J Tosun, S Schaub, C Marek
Political Studies Review 22 (1), 174-192, 2024
Designing policy mixes for the sustainable management of water resources
S Schaub, C Vogeler, F Metz
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 24 (5), 463-471, 2022
Politicians and climate change: A systematic review of the literature
B Moore, L Geese, J Kenny, H Dudley, A Jordan, A Prados Pascual, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, e908, 2024
Environmental Policy Implementation
J Tosun, S Schaub
Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy, 2023
Politikgestaltung im Dialog? Umweltgruppen und ihre Mitwirkung bei der Regulierung von Spurenstoffen in Gewässern
S Schaub, J Tosun
ZPol Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 31 (2), 291-325, 2021
Spurenstoffeinträge in Gewässer: Der Einfluss von Vertrauen in Akteure auf die Problemwahrnehmung
S Schaub, J Tosun
Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik & Umweltrecht 42 (2), 185-213, 2019
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