Valentina B. Petkova
Valentina B. Petkova
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
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All positive energy unitary irreducible representations of extended conformal supersymmetry
VK Dobrev, VB Petkova
Physics Letters B 162 (1-3), 127-132, 1985
Harmonic Analysis on the n-Dimensional Lorentz Group and Its Application to Conformal Quantum Field Theory.
ITT VK Dobrev, G Mack, VB Petkova, SG Petrova
Lecture Notes in Physics 63, 273, 1977
Boundary conditions in rational conformal field theories
RE Behrend, PA Pearce, VB Petkova, JB Zuber
Nuclear Physics B 579 (3), 707-773, 2000
Generalised twisted partition functions
VB Petkova, JB Zuber
Physics Letters B 504 (1-2), 157-164, 2001
Comparison of lattice gauge theories with gauge groups Z2 and SU (2)
G Mack, VB Petkova
Annals of Physics 123 (2), 442-467, 1979
Dynamical derivation of vacuum operator-product expansion in Euclidean conformal quantum field theory
VK Dobrev, VB Petkova, SG Petrova, IT Todorov
Physical Review D 13 (4), 887, 1976
Conformal invariance in quantum field theory
IT Todorov, MC Mintchev, VB Petkova
(No Title), 1978
Sufficient condition for confinement of static quarks by a vortex condensation mechanism
G Mack, VB Petkova
Annals of Physics 125 (1), 117-134, 1980
Group‐Theoretical Approach to Extended Conformal Supersymmetry: Function Space Realizations and Invariant Differential Operators
VK Dobrev, VB Petkova
Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics 35 (7), 537-572, 1987
The many faces of Ocneanu cells
VB Petkova, JB Zuber
Nuclear Physics B 603 (3), 449-496, 2001
On the group-theoretical approach to extended conformal supersymmetry: classification of multiplets
VK Dobrev, VB Petkova
letters in mathematical physics 9, 287-298, 1985
On the classification of bulk and boundary conformal field theories
RE Behrend, PA Pearce, VB Petkova, JB Zuber
Physics Letters B 444 (1-2), 163-166, 1998
Quantum groups and fusion rules multiplicities
P Furlan, AC Ganchev, VB Petkova
Nuclear Physics B 343 (1), 205-227, 1990
Solutions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation with rational isospins and the reduction to the minimal models
P Furlan, AC Ganchev, R Paunov, VB Petkova
Nuclear Physics B 394 (3), 665-706, 1993
Z 2 monopoles in the standardSU (2) lattice gauge theory model
G Mack, VB Petkova
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 12, 177-184, 1982
Uq (s1 (2)) invariant operators and minimal theories fusion matrices
AC Ganchev, VB Petkova
Physics Letters B 233 (3-4), 374-382, 1989
From CFT to graphs
VB Petkova, JB Zuber
Nuclear Physics B 463 (1), 161-193, 1996
Reduction of the rational spin sl (2, C) WZNW conformal theory
P Furlan, AC Ganchev, RR Paunov, VB Petkova
Physics Letters B 267 (1), 63-70, 1991
Bulk correlation functions in 2D quantum gravity
IK Kostov, VB Petkova
Theoretical and mathematical physics 146, 108-118, 2006
On structure constants of sl (2) theories
VB Petkova, JB Zuber
Nuclear Physics B 438 (1-2), 347-372, 1995
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