Jean-Paul Van Belle
Jean-Paul Van Belle
Professor of Information Systems, University of Cape Town
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Critical success factors for business intelligence in the South African financial services sector
L Dawson, JP Van Belle
SA Journal of Information Management 15 (1), 12 pages, 2013
Factors affecting the organizational adoption of service-oriented architecture (SOA)
E MacLennan, JP Van Belle
Information Systems and e-Business Management, 1-30, 2013
The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for improving platform work in a global context
M Graham, J Woodcock, R Heeks, P Mungai, JP Van Belle, D du Toit, ...
Geoforum 112, 100-103, 2020
The role of trust and risk in mobile commerce adoption within South Africa
J Joubert, J Van Belle
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology 3 (2), 27-38, 2013
Digital platforms and institutional voids in developing countries: The case of ride-hailing markets
R Heeks, JE Gomez-Morantes, M Graham, K Howson, P Mungai, ...
World Development 145, 105528, 2021
Using ICT as a value adding tool in South African SMEs
R Ismail, R Jeffery, JP Van Belle
Journal of African Research in Business & Technology 2011, 1-12, 2011
Systematic evaluation of gig work against decent work standards: The development and application of the Fairwork framework
R Heeks, M Graham, P Mungai, JP Van Belle, J Woodcock
The Information Society 37 (5), 267-286, 2021
Integrating environmental sustainability issues into the curriculum through problem-based and project-based learning: a case study at the University of Cape Town
C McGibbon, JP Van Belle
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 16, 81-88, 2015
Factors influencing the intended adoption of digital transformation: A South African case study
R Van Dyk, JP Van Belle
2019 federated conference on computer science and information systems …, 2019
Cloud computing in higher education: A snapshot of software as a service
AO Akande, JP Van Belle
2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology …, 2014
Exploring the barriers and enablers to the use of open educational resources by university academics in Africa
T Percy, JP Van Belle
IFIP International Conference on open source systems, 112-128, 2012
Investigation into the antecedents of autonomous car acceptance using an enhanced UTAUT model
N Kettles, JP Van Belle
2019 international conference on advances in big data, computing and data …, 2019
Security awareness and adoption of security controls by smartphone users
F Parker, J Ophoff, JP Van Belle, R Karia
2015 Second international conference on information security and cyber …, 2015
The importance of trust and risk in M-commerce: A South African perspective
J Joubert, JPV Belle
Management issues with cloud computing
AO Akande, NA April, JP Van Belle
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovative Computing …, 2013
Open source software adoption by South African MSEs: barriers and enablers
J Ellis, JP Van Belle
Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer …, 2009
An interpretivist case study of a South African rural multi-purpose community centre
JP Van Belle, J Trusler
The Journal of Community Informatics 1 (2), 2005
Big data capabilities and readiness of South African retail organisations
J Mneney, JP Van Belle
2016 6th International Conference-Cloud System and Big Data Engineering …, 2016
E-Government and the E-Readiness of Non-Profit Organisations in the Western Cape, South Africa
S Vosloo, JP Van Belle, MS Vosloo
2nd Annual Conference of the Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN …, 2005
Cloud Computing in South African SMMEs
About ICCC-2012 1, 1, 2012
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