Maik Hammerschmidt
Maik Hammerschmidt
Professor of Marketing and Innovation Management, University of Goettingen
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Marketing Plans: How to prepare them, how to profit from them
M McDonald, H Wilson
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
eTransQual: A transaction process-based approach for capturing service quality in online shopping
HH Bauer, T Falk, M Hammerschmidt
Journal of business research 59 (7), 866-875, 2006
Measuring the Quality of E-banking Portals
HH Bauer, M Hammerschmidt, T Falk
International Journal of Bank Marketing 23 (2), 153-175, 2005
Identifying cross-channel dissynergies for multichannel service providers
T Falk, J Schepers, M Hammerschmidt, HH Bauer
Journal of Service Research 10 (2), 143-160, 2007
Gratitude versus entitlement: A dual process model of the profitability implications of customer prioritization
HA Wetzel, M Hammerschmidt, AR Zablah
Journal of Marketing 78 (2), 1-19, 2014
The service quality-satisfaction link revisited: exploring asymmetrics and dynamics
T Falk, M Hammerschmidt, J Schepers
Journal of Academy of Marketing Science 38 (3), 288-302, 2010
Marketing Performance: Messen, Analysieren, Optimieren
M Hammerschmidt, G Stokburger
Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Gabler, 2006
Customer‐based corporate valuation: Integrating the concepts of customer equity and shareholder value
HH Bauer, M Hammerschmidt
Management Decision 43 (3), 331-348, 2005
Can doing good lead to doing poorly? Firm value implications of CSR in the face of CSI
I Lenz, HA Wetzel, M Hammerschmidt
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 45, 677-697, 2017
Principles and Principals: Do Customer Stewardship and Agency Control Compete or Complement When Shaping Frontline Employee Behavior?
J Schepers, T Falk, K De Ruyter, A de Jong, M Hammerschmidt
Journal of Marketing 76 (6), 1-20, 2012
Trust me, I'm a bot–repercussions of chatbot disclosure in different service frontline settings
N Mozafari, WH Weiger, M Hammerschmidt
Journal of Service Management 33, 1-25, 2021
The customer lifetime value concept and its contribution to corporate valuation
HH Bauer, M Hammerschmidt, M Braehler
Yearbook of Marketing and Consumer Research 1 (1), 47-67, 2003
Experiences that Matter? The Motivational Experiences and Business Outcomes of Gamified Services
T Wolf, W Weiger, M Hammerschmidt
Journal of Business Research 106 (1), 353-364, 2020
Introduction to special issue: Consumer response to the evolving retailing landscape
BE Kahn, JJ Inman, PC Verhoef
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 3 (3), 255-259, 2018
Leveraging innovation input on enhancing smart service quality. Cases from Abu Dhabi Emirate
M El Khatib, M Hammerschmidt, M Al Junaibi
International Journal of Management Cases 23 (2), 46-62, 2021
Living and working with service robots: a TCCM analysis and considerations for future research
A De Keyser, WH Kunz
Journal of Service Management 33 (2), 165-196, 2022
Research methodology on data envelopment analysis (DEA)
JK Mantri
Universal-Publishers, 2008
Interactive Marketing im Web 2.0: Konzepte und Anwendungen für ein erfolgreiches Marketingmanagement im Internet
HH Bauer
Vahlen, 2008
The Chatbot Disclosure Dilemma: Desirable and Undesirable Effects of Disclosing the Non-Human Identity of Chatbots
N Mozafari, W Weiger, M Hammerschmidt
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems 41 (1), 1-17, 2020
Broadening the perspective on mobile marketing: an introduction
W Fritz, S Sohn, B Seegebarth
Psychology & Marketing 34 (2), 113-118, 2017
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