Cyriel Pennartz
Cyriel Pennartz
Hoogleraar Cognitie & Neurowetenschappen, Univ. van Amsterdam
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Putting a spin on the dorsal–ventral divide of the striatum
P Voorn, LJMJ Vanderschuren, HJ Groenewegen, TW Robbins, ...
Trends in neurosciences 27 (8), 468-474, 2004
An improved index of phase-synchronization for electrophysiological data in the presence of volume-conduction, noise and sample-size bias
M Vinck, R Oostenveld, M Van Wingerden, F Battaglia, CMA Pennartz
Neuroimage 55 (4), 1548-1565, 2011
The nucleus accumbens as a complex of functionally distinct neuronal ensembles: an integration of behavioural, electrophysiological and anatomical data
CMA Pennartz, HJ Groenewegen, FHL da Silva
Progress in neurobiology 42 (6), 719-761, 1994
Hippocampus leads ventral striatum in replay of place-reward information
CS Lansink, PM Goltstein, JV Lankelma, BL McNaughton, CMA Pennartz
PLoS biology 7 (8), e1000173, 2009
The pairwise phase consistency: a bias-free measure of rhythmic neuronal synchronization
M Vinck, M van Wingerden, T Womelsdorf, P Fries, CMA Pennartz
Neuroimage 51 (1), 112-122, 2010
The hippocampus: hub of brain network communication for memory
FP Battaglia, K Benchenane, A Sirota, CMA Pennartz, SI Wiener
Trends in cognitive sciences 15 (7), 310-318, 2011
The ventral striatum in off-line processing: ensemble reactivation during sleep and modulation by hippocampal ripples
CMA Pennartz, E Lee, J Verheul, P Lipa, CA Barnes, BL McNaughton
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (29), 6446-6456, 2004
The hippocampal–striatal axis in learning, prediction and goal-directed behavior
CMA Pennartz, R Ito, P Verschure, FP Battaglia, TW Robbins
Trends in neurosciences 34 (10), 548-559, 2011
Diurnal modulation of pacemaker potentials and calcium current in the mammalian circadian clock
CMA Pennartz, MTG de Jeu, NPA Bos, J Schaap, AMS Geurtsen
Nature 416 (6878), 286-290, 2002
Is a bird in the hand worth two in the future? The neuroeconomics of intertemporal decision-making
T Kalenscher, CMA Pennartz
Progress in neurobiology 84 (3), 284-315, 2008
Functional interaction between the hippocampus and nucleus accumbens shell is necessary for the acquisition of appetitive spatial context conditioning
R Ito, TW Robbins, CM Pennartz, BJ Everitt
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (27), 6950-6959, 2008
Functions of gamma‐band synchronization in cognition: From single circuits to functional diversity across cortical and subcortical systems
CA Bosman, CS Lansink, CMA Pennartz
European Journal of Neuroscience 39 (11), 1982-1999, 2014
Corticostriatal interactions during learning, memory processing, and decision making
CMA Pennartz, JD Berke, AM Graybiel, R Ito, CS Lansink, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (41), 12831-12838, 2009
Internally generated sequences in learning and executing goal-directed behavior
G Pezzulo, MAA Van der Meer, CS Lansink, CMA Pennartz
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (12), 647-657, 2014
The cellular framework for chemical signalling in the nucleus accumbens
GE Meredith, CMA Pennartz, HJ Groenewegen
Progress in brain research 99, 3-24, 1993
Synaptic Plasticity in an In Vitro Slice Preparation of the Rat Nucleus Accumbens
CMA Pennartz, RF Ameerun, HJ Groenewegen, FH Lopes da Silva
European Journal of Neuroscience 5 (2), 107-117, 1993
Presynaptic dopamine D1 receptors attenuate excitatory and inhibitory limbic inputs to the shell region of the rat nucleus accumbens studied in vitro
CM Pennartz, MJ Dolleman-Van der Weel, ST Kitai, FH Lopes da Silva
Journal of neurophysiology 67 (5), 1325-1334, 1992
Preferential reactivation of motivationally relevant information in the ventral striatum
CS Lansink, PM Goltstein, JV Lankelma, RN Joosten, BL McNaughton, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (25), 6372-6382, 2008
A unified selection signal for attention and reward in primary visual cortex
L Stănişor, C Van Der Togt, CMA Pennartz, PR Roelfsema
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (22), 9136-9141, 2013
The why, what, where, when and how of goal-directed choice: neuronal and computational principles
PFMJ Verschure, CMA Pennartz, G Pezzulo
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
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