Christoph W. Groth
Christoph W. Groth
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Kwant: a software package for quantum transport
CW Groth, M Wimmer, AR Akhmerov, X Waintal
New Journal of Physics 16 (6), 063065, 2014
Theory of the topological Anderson insulator
CW Groth, M Wimmer, AR Akhmerov, J Tworzydło, CWJ Beenakker
Physical review letters 103 (19), 196805, 2009
Tworzyd lo J and Beenakker CWJ 2009
CW Groth, M Wimmer, AR Akhmerov
Phys. Rev. Lett 103, 196805, 0
Numerical simulations of time-resolved quantum electronics
B Gaury, J Weston, M Santin, M Houzet, C Groth, X Waintal
Physics Reports 534 (1), 1-37, 2014
J. Tworzyd lo, and CWJ Beenakker
CW Groth, M Wimmer, AR Akhmerov
Phys. Rev. Lett 103, 196805, 2009
Finite difference method for transport properties of massless Dirac fermions
J Tworzydło, CW Groth, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (23), 235438, 2008
Quantum Monte Carlo for correlated out-of-equilibrium nanoelectronic devices
REV Profumo, C Groth, L Messio, O Parcollet, X Waintal
Physical Review B 91 (24), 245154, 2015
Counting statistics of coherent population trapping in quantum dots
CW Groth, B Michaelis, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (12), 125315, 2006
Graphene-based heterojunction between two topological insulators
O Shevtsov, P Carmier, C Petitjean, C Groth, D Carpentier, X Waintal
Physical Review X 2 (3), 031004, 2012
Theoretical, numerical, and experimental study of a flying qubit electronic interferometer
T Bautze, C Süssmeier, S Takada, C Groth, T Meunier, M Yamamoto, ...
Physical Review B 89 (12), 125432, 2014
Nonalgebraic length dependence of transmission through a chain of barriers with a Lévy spacing distribution
CWJ Beenakker, CW Groth, AR Akhmerov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (2), 024204, 2009
Tkwant: a software package for time-dependent quantum transport
T Kloss, J Weston, B Gaury, B Rossignol, C Groth, X Waintal
New Journal of Physics 23 (2), 023025, 2021
Tunable thermopower in a graphene-based topological insulator
O Shevtsov, P Carmier, C Groth, X Waintal, D Carpentier
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (24), 245441, 2012
Transmission probability through a Lévy glass and comparison with a Lévy walk
CW Groth, AR Akhmerov, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (2 …, 2012
Nonlocal spin dynamics in the crossover from diffusive to ballistic transport
M Vila, JH Garcia, AW Cummings, SR Power, CW Groth, X Waintal, ...
Physical review letters 124 (19), 196602, 2020
The self-consistent quantum-electrostatic problem in strongly non-linear regime
P Armagnat, A Lacerda-Santos, B Rossignol, C Groth, X Waintal
SciPost Physics 7 (3), 031, 2019
A general algorithm for computing bound states in infinite tight-binding systems
M Istas, C Groth, AR Akhmerov, M Wimmer, X Waintal
SciPost Physics 4 (5), 026, 2018
Switching of electrical current by spin precession in the first Landau level of an inverted-gap semiconductor
AR Akhmerov, CW Groth, J Tworzydło, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (19), 195320, 2009
Electronic shot noise in fractal conductors
CW Groth, J Tworzydło, CWJ Beenakker
Physical review letters 100 (17), 176804, 2008
Pushing the limit of quantum transport simulations
M Istas, C Groth, X Waintal
Physical Review Research 1 (3), 033188, 2019
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