Tiago Toma
Tiago Toma
Reference Center for the Recovery of Degraded Areas - Sao Francisco River (CRAD)
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Integrating ecosystem functions into restoration ecology—recent advances and future directions
J Kollmann, ST Meyer, R Bateman, T Conradi, MM Gossner, ...
Restoration Ecology 24 (6), 722-730, 2016
Challenges in the restoration of quartzitic and ironstone rupestrian grasslands
GW Fernandes, TSP Toma, P Angrisano, G Overbeck
Ecology and conservation of mountaintop grasslands in Brazil, 449-477, 2016
Key issues in Northwestern Mediterranean dry grassland restoration
E Buisson, T De Almeida, A Durbecq, AJ Arruda, C Vidaller, JF Alignan, ...
Restoration Ecology 29, e13258, 2021
Gall-inducing insects of an Araucaria Forest in southern Brazil
TSP Toma, M Júnior, M de Souza
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 57 (2), 225-233, 2013
Galls and galling arthropods of southern Brazil
M de Souza Mendonça, TSP Toma, JS da Silva
Neotropical insect galls, 221-256, 2014
Head triangulation as anti-predatory mechanism in snakes
DD Dell'Aglio, TSP Toma, AE Muelbert, AG Sacco, AM Tozetti
Biota Neotropica 12 (3), 315-318, 2012
Galling insects as indicators of habitat quality
TS Toma, GW Fernandes, DG de Souza, M Tabarelli, JC Santos
Neotropical insect galls, 143-150, 2014
Optimal references for ecological restoration: the need to protect references in the tropics
TSP Toma, GE Overbeck, M de Souza Mendonça Jr, GW Fernandes
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 21 (1), 25-32, 2023
Gall-inducing insects of deciduous and semideciduous forests in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil
APM Goetz, FA Luz, TSP Toma, MS Mendonça Jr
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 108, e2018015, 2018
Population ecology of galling arthropods in the Neotropics
TSP Toma, M de Souza Mendonça
Neotropical insect galls, 69-98, 2014
Taking cultural landscapes into account: Implications for scaling up ecological restoration
TSP Toma, E Buisson
Land Use Policy 120, 106233, 2022
Neotropical Insect Galls
MS Mendonça, TSP Toma, JS Silva, GW Fernandes, JC Santos
Representatividade do gênero Clinodiplosis Kieffer (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) no Brasil
TSP Toma, VC Maia
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 52 (20), 223-231, 2012
Brazil’s natural grasslands under attack
GE Overbeck, TSP Toma, RR da Silveira-Filho, MS Dechoum, ...
Science 384 (6692), 168-169, 2024
Hidden costs of Europe’s deforestation policy
GW Fernandes, HFM Oliveira, HG Bergallo, VNT Borges-Junior, G Colli, ...
Science 379 (6630), 341-342, 2023
Dissimilar forests along the Rio Doce watershed call for multiple restoration references to avoid biotic homogenization
L Ramos, D Negreiros, FF Goulart, JCG Figueiredo, W Kenedy-Siqueira, ...
Science of The Total Environment 930, 172720, 2024
Aim for heterogeneous biodiversity restoration
TSP Toma, HFM Oliveira, GE Overbeck, CEV Grelle, FO Roque, ...
Science 383 (6681), 376-376, 2024
Brazil’s democracy and sustainable agendas: A nexus in urgent need of strengthening
GW Fernandes, F de Oliveira Roque, S Fernandes, CE de Viveiros Grelle, ...
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 21 (3), 197-199, 2023
Disentangling the veil line for Brazilian biodiversity: An overview from two long-term research programs reveals huge gaps in ecological data reporting
AF Guimaraes, LCA Querido, T Rocha, DJ Rodrigues, PL Viana, ...
Science of The Total Environment, 174880, 2024
Insetos indutores de galhas das florestas decidual e semidecidual no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
APM Goetz, FA Luz, TSP Toma, MS Mendonça Jr
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 108, e2018015, 2018
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