Michael Bergmann
Michael Bergmann
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg IMTEK
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Enhanced protein immobilization on polymers—A plasma surface activation study
F Wieland, R Bruch, M Bergmann, S Partel, GA Urban, C Dincer
Polymers 12 (1), 104, 2020
Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development
U Stroth, D Aguiam, E Alessi, C Angioni, N Arden, RA Parra, V Artigues, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042006, 2022
Global gyrokinetic simulations of ASDEX Upgrade up to the transport timescale with GENE–Tango
A Di Siena, AB Navarro, T Luda, G Merlo, M Bergmann, L Leppin, T Görler, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (10), 106025, 2022
Nanofilms produced by magnetron enhanced plasma polymerization from methane and oxygen for coating of rigid contact lenses
M Bergmann, L Ledernez, G Dame, S Lickert, F Widmer, Y Gier, G Urban
Plasma Processes and Polymers 10 (11), 970-977, 2013
Isotope effects on energy transport in the core of ASDEX-Upgrade tokamak plasmas: Turbulence measurements and model validation
M Cabrera, P Rodriguez-Fernandez, T Görler, M Bergmann, K Höfler, ...
Physics of Plasmas 30 (8), 2023
Biocompatible nanofilm coating by magneto-luminous polymerization of methane
H Yasuda, L Ledernez, F Olcaytug, G Dame, M Bergmann
Progress in Organic Coatings 74 (4), 667-678, 2012
Transient spark for bacterial cleaning of dental microcavities
L Ledernez, R Bruch, MJ Altenburger, ME Bergmann, GA Urban
Plasma Medicine 9 (1), 2019
Impact of supra-thermal particles on plasma performance at ASDEX Upgrade with GENE-Tango simulations
A Di Siena, R Bilato, AB Navarro, M Bergmann, L Leppin, T Görler, E Poli, ...
Nuclear Fusion 64 (6), 066020, 2024
Oberflächenmodifikation mithilfe der magnetfeldunterstützten Plasmapolymerisation
M Bergmann
Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 2015, 2015
Transient spark coating for dentistry
ME Bergmann, T Wieland, V Straub, F Engesser, E Buerkin, ...
Plasma Medicine 12 (1), 2022
Changes in core electron temperature fluctuations and transport with isotopic mass in L-mode plasmas at ASDEX-Upgrade
M Cabrera, P Rodriguez-Fernandez, T Görler, M Bergmann, R Bielajew, ...
47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 2021
Direct EPR detection of atomic nitrogen in an atmospheric nitrogen plasma jet
AM Rostas, L Ledernez, L Dietel, L Heidinger, M Bergmann, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (7), 3875-3882, 2020
Effect of Transient Spark Disinfection on Various Endodontics-Relevant Bacteria
L Ledernez, F Engesser, MJ Altenburger, GA Urban, ME Bergmann
Plasma Medicine 9 (2), 2019
Plasma nanofilms as biocompatible and antibacterial interface for in-vivo sensors
M Bergmann, L Ledernez, G Urban
Procedia Engineering 120, 45-48, 2015
Influence of the top dielectric layer on interdigitated capacitive dew point detector operation
R Jachowicz, G Tarapata, D Paczesny, G Urban, M Bergmann
Procedia engineering 120, 1120-1123, 2015
Swelling and Water Uptake Behavior of Nanofilms Obtained by a Magnetron Enhanced Plasma‐P olymerization Process
M Bergmann, D Zeniieh, L Ledernez, G Dame, G Urban
Plasma Processes and Polymers 10 (10), 904-911, 2013
Multi-fidelity Gaussian process surrogate modeling for regression problems in physics
K Ravi, V Fediukov, F Dietrich, T Neckel, F Buse, M Bergmann, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.11965, 2024
Analysis of Fast Rotating Mode Signals as Precursors of Locked Modes on the DIII-D Tokamak
M Bergmann
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München München, 2019
Method for treating a medical implant
A Bunge, M Bergmann, L Ledernez, J Horak, G Urban
US Patent App. 15/510,235, 2017
Guided Plasma Application in Dentistry—An Alternative to Antibiotic Therapy
T Gross, LA Ledernez, L Birrer, ME Bergmann, MJ Altenburger
Antibiotics 13 (8), 2024
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