Sabrina Hempel
Sabrina Hempel
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy
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A trend-preserving bias correction–the ISI-MIP approach
S Hempel, K Frieler, L Warszawski, J Schewe, F Piontek
Earth System Dynamics 4 (2), 219-236, 2013
Inner composition alignment for inferring directed networks from short time series
S Hempel, A Koseska, J Kurths, Z Nikoloski
Physical review letters 107 (5), 054101, 2011
Heat stress risk in European dairy cattle husbandry under different climate change scenarios–uncertainties and potential impacts
S Hempel, C Menz, S Pinto, E Galán, D Janke, F Estellés, ...
Earth System Dynamics 10 (4), 859-884, 2019
Non-linear temperature dependency of ammonia and methane emissions from a naturally ventilated dairy barn
S Hempel, CK Saha, M Fiedler, W Berg, C Hansen, B Amon, T Amon
Biosystems Engineering 145, 10-21, 2016
Unraveling gene regulatory networks from time-resolved gene expression data--a measures comparison study
S Hempel, A Koseska, Z Nikoloski, J Kurths
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-26, 2011
Investigation of discharge coefficient for wind-driven naturally ventilated dairy barns
Q Yi, G Zhang, M König, D Janke, S Hempel, T Amon
Energy and Buildings 165, 132-140, 2018
Uncertainty in the measurement of indoor temperature and humidity in naturally ventilated dairy buildings as influenced by measurement technique and data variability
S Hempel, M König, C Menz, D Janke, B Amon, TM Banhazi, F Estellés, ...
Biosystems Engineering 166, 58-75, 2018
Wind tunnel investigations of sidewall opening effects on indoor airflows of a cross-ventilated dairy building
Q Yi, M König, D Janke, S Hempel, G Zhang, B Amon, T Amon
Energy and Buildings 175, 163-172, 2018
A trend-preserving bias correction-the ISI-MIP approach. Earth Syst Dynam 4 (2): 219–236
S Hempel, K Frieler, L Warszawski, J Schewe, F Piontek
Calculation of ventilation rates and ammonia emissions: Comparison of sampling strategies for a naturally ventilated dairy barn
D Janke, D Willink, C Ammon, S Hempel, S Schrade, P Demeyer, ...
Biosystems Engineering 198, 15-30, 2020
Variabilities in determining air exchange rates in naturally ventilated dairy buildings using the CO2 production model
M König, S Hempel, D Janke, B Amon, T Amon
Biosystems Engineering 174, 249-259, 2018
Bias corrected GCM input data for ISIMIP Fast Track
S Hempel, K Frieler, L Warszawski, J Schewe, F Piontek
GFZ Data Services, 2013
CFD modelling of an animal occupied zone using an anisotropic porous medium model with velocity depended resistance parameters
EM Doumbia, D Janke, Q Yi, T Amon, M Kriegel, S Hempel
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 181, 105950, 2021
Genome-Wide Identification of Regulatory Elements and Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Networks of the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under Carbon …
F Vischi Winck, S Arvidsson, DM Riaño-Pachón, S Hempel, A Koseska, ...
PLoS one 8 (11), e79909, 2013
Supervised machine learning to assess methane emissions of a dairy building with natural ventilation
S Hempel, J Adolphs, N Landwehr, D Willink, D Janke, T Amon
Applied Sciences 10 (19), 6938, 2020
Numerical simulation of airflow in animal occupied zones in a dairy cattle building
JD Bustos-Vanegas, S Hempel, D Janke, M Doumbia, J Streng, T Amon
Biosystems engineering 186, 100-105, 2019
Modelling air change rate of naturally ventilated dairy buildings using response surface methodology and numerical simulation
Q Yi, G Zhang, B Amon, S Hempel, D Janke, CK Saha, T Amon
Building Simulation 14, 827-839, 2021
Opening size effects on airflow pattern and airflow rate of a naturally ventilated dairy building—A CFD study
CK Saha, Q Yi, D Janke, S Hempel, B Amon, T Amon
Applied sciences 10 (17), 6054, 2020
How the selection of training data and modeling approach affects the estimation of ammonia emissions from a naturally ventilated dairy barn—Classical statistics versus machine …
S Hempel, J Adolphs, N Landwehr, D Janke, T Amon
Sustainability 12 (3), 1030, 2020
Data-driven reconstruction of directed networks
S Hempel, A Koseska, Z Nikoloski
The European Physical Journal B 86, 1-17, 2013
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