Dierk-Christoph Pöther
Dierk-Christoph Pöther
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin
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S-cysteinylation is a general mechanism for thiol protection of Bacillus subtilis proteins after oxidative stress
F Hochgrafe, J Mostertz, DC Pöther, D Becher, JD Helmann, M Hecker
Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (36), 25981-25985, 2007
Depletion of thiol‐containing proteins in response to quinones in Bacillus subtilis
M Liebeke, DC Pöther, N Van Duy, D Albrecht, D Becher, F Hochgräfe, ...
Molecular microbiology 69 (6), 1513-1529, 2008
Diamide Triggers Mainly S Thiolations in the Cytoplasmic Proteomes of Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus
DC Pöther, M Liebeke, F Hochgräfe, H Antelmann, D Becher, M Lalk, ...
Journal of bacteriology 191 (24), 7520-7530, 2009
Distribution and infection-related functions of bacillithiol in Staphylococcus aureus
DC Pöther, P Gierok, M Harms, J Mostertz, F Hochgräfe, H Antelmann, ...
International Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2013
Benchmarking the MinION: evaluating long reads for microbial profiling
RM Leidenfrost, DC Pöther, U Jäckel, R Wünschiers
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 5125, 2020
The peroxide stress response of Bacillus licheniformis
R Schroeter, B Voigt, B Jürgen, K Methling, DC Pöther, H Schäfer, ...
Proteomics 11 (14), 2851-2866, 2011
CtsR inactivation during thiol‐specific stress in low GC, Gram+ bacteria
AKW Elsholz, K Hempel, DC Pöther, D Becher, M Hecker, U Gerth
Molecular microbiology 79 (3), 772-785, 2011
Salt sensitivity of minimal twin arginine translocases
R van der Ploeg, JP Barnett, N Vasisht, VJ Goosens, DC Pöther, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (51), 43759-43770, 2011
The modulator of the general stress response, MgsR, of Bacillus subtilis is subject to multiple and complex control mechanisms
A Reder, DC Pöther, U Gerth, M Hecker
Environmental microbiology 14 (10), 2838-2850, 2012
Multiplexed Workplace Measurements in Biogas Plants Reveal Compositional Changes in Aerosol Properties
DC Pöther, D Schneider, U Prott, J Karmann, K Klug, N Heubach, ...
Annals of Work Exposures and Health 65 (9), 1061-1074, 2021
Target Mechanisms of the Cyanotoxin Cylindrospermopsin in Immortalized Human Airway Epithelial Cells
S Ziesemer, S Meyer, J Edelmann, J Vennmann, C Gudra, D Arndt, ...
Toxins 14 (11), 785, 2022
Application of impedance measurement to investigate in vitro inhalation toxicity of bacteria
S Klar, DC Poether, J Reinert, N Hüttig, G Linsel, U Jäckel
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 16 (1), 32, 2021
Bioaerosols in swine confinement buildings: A metaproteomic view
S Meyer, N Hüttig, M Zenk, U Jäckel, DC Pöther
Environmental Microbiology Reports 15 (6), 684-697, 2023
Proceedings in the thiolome of low GC, Gram-positive bacteria
DC Pöther
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